Is it OK to eat persimmons on an empty stomach?

"Liqiu Walnut White Dew pears, cold dew persimmons have red skin." Nowadays, persimmons are in the picking season. Experts remind that persimmons have high nutritional value and are rich in nutrients such as sucrose, glucose, fructose, protein, carotene, and vitamin C. Vitamins and sugars contained are about 1-2 times higher than normal fruits, and it is generally best not to eat more than one a day.

Persimmons have the functions of clearing away heat, drying the lungs, removing blood stasis, softening the body, quenching thirst, boosting spleen, relieving sputum, and stopping bleeding. The persimmon is rich in pectin. It is a water-soluble dietary fiber and has a good laxative effect. The effect is good for correcting constipation and maintaining the growth of normal intestinal flora. It can also relieve dry cough, sore throat, high blood pressure embolism.

Therefore, persimmons are natural health foods for patients with chronic bronchitis, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and hemorrhoids. Fresh persimmons are also high in iodine.

Persimmon can not eat on an empty stomach

This is because there are a lot of tannins in the persimmons. When the stomach is empty, it will secrete a lot of stomach acid. If you eat persimmons at this time, it will cause tannic acid to precipitate and lumps in the stomach under the action of a large amount of stomach acid, and eventually change. Into a "stomach persimmon stone", this kind of lump is not easy to smash, and it will become bigger and bigger. Finally, it may cause gastric mucosa congestion, edema, erosion, ulcers, and even gastric perforation.

Eat persimmons to avoid eating high protein foods.

When eating persimmons, we must avoid eating other high-protein foods such as fish, shrimp, and crabs, because these high-protein foods will form a “stomach persimmon stone” under the tannic acid of persimmons.

After eating persimmons, rinse your mouth.

Why? Because the persimmon contains a lot of sugar, and the pectin and tannin are also very rich. If you do not brush your teeth after eating the persimmon, it is very easy to cause damage to the teeth. Mouth or brush your teeth.

Eat persimmons in moderation.

Because the tannic acid in persimmons will combine with calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron and other minerals in ordinary foods to synthesize compounds that cannot be absorbed by the body, these nutrients in the body cannot be absorbed and utilized. Therefore, eating more persimmons will make these minerals in the body. Caused by the lack of, and secondly, there are many sugars in the persimmon, it is easy to increase satiety, resulting in loss of appetite, the average amount of persimmon should not exceed 200 grams.

Eat persimmon without skin.

Many people are greedy for convenience. They eat directly and clean the persimmons. They feel that chewing persimmon skin is more delicious than eating persimmons. However, most of the tannic acid in persimmons is concentrated in the skin, and it is easier to form stomach persimmon stones when eaten together with the skin.

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