Allow pregnant mothers to “eat all diseases” food

Core Tip: During pregnancy, we must add enough nutrients so that we can ensure the health of our mother and baby at the same time. So, what foods can help Mommy to prevent diseases? Get to know it together.

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Until recently the baby had a high fever and found that the baby was a little anemic when he got a blood draw. The doctor advised her to also do a routine blood test and the results were similarly iron-deficiency anemia. The doctor clearly told her that anemic people would be indifferent to people and did not like to communicate with people. Ms. Chen knows that she has not been with her baby. She does not have feelings, but because of her lack of iron.

Therefore, it is necessary to add enough nutrients during pregnancy to ensure the health of both mother and baby.

So, what foods can help Mommy to prevent diseases? Listen to the introduction.

1. Rich in VC Fruits and Vegetables - Preventing Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a serious complication that can easily occur in the third trimester and affects the safety of pregnant women and fetuses. When the relevant experts investigated the diet of hundreds of pre-eclampsia and healthy pregnant women, they found that pregnant women who received less vitamin C per day from food had lower levels of VC in their blood. The risk of developing pre-eclampsia was that of healthy pregnant women. 2-4 times. Therefore, experts recommend that during pregnancy, vitamin C-rich fresh vegetables and fruits should be taken in. The daily intake should not be less than 85 mg.

2. Honey - promotes sleep and prevents constipation

In natural foods, the energy needed by brain neurons is highest in honey. If a pregnant woman drinks a glass of honey water before going to bed, the sedative effect can relieve the discomfort of multiple dreams, awakening and sleeping, and improve the quality of sleep. In addition, when pregnant women drink water every morning and afternoon, if they put a few drops of honey in the water, they can relieve laxatively and effectively prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

3. Melon and watermelon - help eliminate lower extremity edema

Late pregnancy in pregnant women due to inferior vena cava compression, blood backflow obstruction, the foot and ankle often appear postural edema, but generally disappear after a rest. If the edema does not disappear after rest, or if the edema is severe and there are no other abnormalities, it is called pregnancy edema. Melon cold and sweet, rich in water, you can quench your thirst and diuretic. If simmering with squid, the edema of the lower extremities of pregnant women can be reduced. Watermelon has the effects of detoxification, diuresis and swelling, regular consumption will increase the urine output of pregnant women, and thus excrete excess water in the body, and help eliminate lower extremity edema.

4. Pumpkin - Prevention of pregnancy edema and hypertension

Pumpkin fruit and fruit nutrition is extremely rich. Pregnant women eat pumpkin flowers and fruits, not only can promote the development of fetal brain cells, enhance their vitality, but also prevent pregnancy edema, high blood pressure and other pregnancy complications, promote blood clotting and prevent postpartum hemorrhage. Take 500 grams of pumpkin, 60 grams of glutinous rice, boiled pumpkin porridge, can promote liver and kidney cell regeneration, while the recovery of appetite and physical strength after early pregnancy reaction has a catalytic effect.

5. Sunflower seeds - reduce the risk of miscarriage

Sunflower seeds are rich in VE, and VE can promote the anterior pituitary gonadotropin-secreting cell function, increase ovarian function, increase the number of follicles, increase luteal cells, enhance the role of progesterone, promote sperm production and enhance its vitality. Medical treatment often uses VE for infertility and threatened abortion, so tocopherol is named after this. If the pregnant woman lacks VE, it is easy to cause fetal movement disturbed or not easily pregnant again after abortion. Eat more foods rich in VE during pregnancy, such as eating 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil per day, to meet the needs, help to ease the birth and reduce the risk of miscarriage.

6. Celery - Prevention of pregnancy-induced hypertension

The celery is rich in nutrients such as wolfberry, carotene, VC, niacin and mannitol, especially certain nutrients in the leaves are more abundant than the celery stems, and has the functions of refreshing heat and cooling blood, refreshing urine and calming blood pressure. . Regular consumption in the third trimester can help pregnant women reduce blood pressure, and also prevent and treat complications such as iron deficiency anemia and preeclampsia caused by pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome.

7. Potato - reduce morning sickness

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