Who can't eat chili?

Who should not eat chili

1. Thin people should not eat chili, because lean people often have throat, mouth pain, irritability, irritability, if you eat chili, not only increase the above symptoms, but also lead to bleeding, allergies and inflammation, severe scab infection occurs, etc. .

2. Maternal and pregnant women should not eat chili peppers. Not only can there be mouth sores and sores, dry stools, but also because of breast-feeding babies.

3. Patients with kidney disease should not eat chili, because the capsaicin is excreted through the kidneys, damage the renal parenchymal cells, can seriously cause changes in renal function, or even renal failure.

4. Patients with hyperthyroidism should not eat, because their heart rate is faster, faster heart rate after eating, the symptoms are more obvious.

5. Dermatitis and some skin diseases are unfit for human consumption and often aggravate after eating.

6. Patients who are taking Chinese medicine to treat diseases are also contraindicated because consumption of capsaicin will affect the efficacy. Even normal people should not eat chili for a long time. According to the relevant data, among the patients with esophageal cancer and gastric cancer, people who have long-term consumption of pepper occupy a considerable proportion. In summary, although spicy food is delicious, it can't stop.

7. Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and hypertension should not eat chili, and chronic bronchitis, pulmonary heart disease, and tuberculosis patients are no exception. Because capsaicin increases circulating blood volume, rapid heartbeat, rapid heartbeat, and heavy use in the short term, it can cause acute heart failure and sudden cardiac death. Even without accidents, it can prevent existing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and lung lesions. Rehabilitation.

8. Patients with chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, and esophagitis, due to the stimulation of capsaicin, mucosal congestion, edema, erosion, gastrointestinal motility increased rapidly, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc., also affect the recovery of digestive function.

9. Patients suffering from chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, and chronic pancreatitis, due to the stimulation of capsaicin, cause increased gastric acid secretion, more gastric acid can cause gallbladder contraction, bile duct sphincter spasm, resulting in difficulty in bile discharge, thereby inducing cholecystitis, Biliary colic and pancreatitis.

10. Patients with acne, due to the stimulation of capsaicin, congestion and edema of the iliac veins, can aggravate acne, and even form an anal abscess. In addition, peppers can increase constipation and make acne heavy.

11. Patients with red-eye disease and keratitis should not eat hot peppers. From the perspective of Chinese medicine practitioners, it is easy to get angry and aggravate the condition.

Breathing circuit-expandable

The Expandable Circuit is non-rigid tube used to convey gases or vapors between components of a breathing system. It`s mainly made of EVA material, extremely flexible, kinking resistant, very high quality. The tube is expandable, easy for transportation and use. It can be assembled with water trap, anaesthesia mask, Breathing bag, BV filter, HMEF and so on, to fit with various needs. Thus, there are different models according to the assembled accessories and tube length.

expandable breathing circuit

Ø 1 set of circuit include:4 tubes,2 straight connectors,1 Y-connector,1 elbow connector with luer cap,2 watertraps

Ø size:Adult(ID 22mm),Pediatric(ID 15mm),Neonate(ID 10mm)

Ø Length:0.5-3 meters,any length customized

Ø Tube type:Corrugated,Expandable,Smoothbore

Ø Optional spare parts:Anesthesia mask,Breathing bag,BVF/HME filter,catheter mount,extra limb,sampling line,suction tube,airway cannula,etc.

As a leading manufacturer, Trifanz offer rich choices to meet your clinical needs.

Breathing Circuit-Expandable,Breathing Circuit With Water Traps,Ventilator Circuit With Expandable Tube,Medical Anesthesia Devices

Hangzhou Trifanz Medical Device Co., Ltd , https://www.cfzmed.com

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