Boer goat breeding technology

The following is the Jiaxiang Animal Husbandry Center's feeding and management technology for Boer goat breeding ewes. The breeding ewes are required to maintain a high level of nutrition in order to achieve the goals of multiple births, prolificacy, and prosperousness. Ewes were divided into three phases: empty period, gestation period and lactation period.
(1) The breeding of breeding and breeding ewes in the empty period should pay enough attention. The nutritional status at this stage has a lot to do with the estrus, breeding, abortion and subsequent fetal development of the ewes. 1 to 1.5 months before mating, quality grass should be given, or grazing in grazing pasture. According to the nutritional status of sheep and individuals, appropriate supplements should be given to keep the sheep's high nutritional level.
(b) Pregnancy during pregnancy (about 3 months) Due to the slow development of the fetus and the need for less nutrients, general grazing or giving enough grass, adequate supplements to meet the needs.
Late pregnancy is the time when the fetus grows rapidly, and 90% of the birth weight is increased during the second trimester of gestation. If nutrition is not sufficient at this stage, the lamb will have a small primary weight, weak resistance, and it will easily die. Because of bad public opinion, she was not ready for lactation during the lactation period and was short of milk. Therefore, supplementary feeding should be strengthened at this time. In addition to grazing, every sheep needs 450 g of concentrate, 1 kg to 1.5 kg of hay, 1.5 kg of silage, and 15 g of salt and bone meal. For pregnant ewes must be high quality forage, pay attention to miscarriage. Moldy, spoilage, spoilage, and frozen feeds cannot be fed and do not drink very cold water.
Management should be particularly meticulous. Grazing, herding, drinking water, and supplementary feeding should all be ordered slowly and steadily to prevent overcrowding and gliding, prevent skipping and jumping, and prevent undue losses. Therefore, we should choose as much as possible. Grazing land is grazing. Particular attention should be paid to avoid catching and disturbing the flock without any reason, and to stop the fighting between the sheep in time to prevent miscarriage.
The late gestation of ewes, especially the management before delivery, should be particularly meticulous. The ewes fall down in the armpits, hang down on the abdomen, swollen the breasts, swollen vulva, and run out of mucous. Often lying alone in the corner of the wall, frequent urination, uneasy movements, and lying down from time to time. Constantly looking back and giving a tweet etc. are the performances of the ewes before their delivery. The sheep sheds and the ramming bar are cleaned once, the sterilized, the doors and windows are repaired, the wind tunnel is plugged, and the grass is ready to be filled. We must do a good job of preparations before delivery.
(3) Breast-feeding breast-feeding is the main source of nutrients for the growth and development of lambs, especially in the first 20-30 days after delivery. There are more ewes and more lambs, the lambs are well developed, and the disease resistance is strong. The survival rate is high. If the ewe is raised Bad, emaciated ewes, less milk production, but also affect the growth and development of lambs.
The newly-born ewes have empty stomachs, physical weakness, poor physical and water consumption, poor digestive function, and these days they must give high-quality digestible hay, salt water, and bran soup. Silage and juicy feeds have milk Effect, but not too early. Lamb's 1 day -3 days, if the good feelings, can be fed less concentrate to feed high quality hay, indigestion or mastitis.
In the pre-lactation period, nursing mothers usually need 500 g of mixed concentrate, 3 kg of hay and 1.5 kg of carrots. In the winter, special attention should be paid to supplementing juicy feed such as carrots to ensure sufficient milk juice.
In the late lactation period, the lactating ability of the ewes gradually declines, and the lambs can feed their own forages and concentrates. They do not depend on breast milk for survival. The feeding standards can be reduced. Generally, the concentrates can be reduced to 0.3 kg-0.45 kg and hay 1 kg- 2 kg, 1 kg carrot.
When the lamb eats milk, prevent it from eating. Lambs eat more breasts, milk bags later, eat less breasts, later milk package. If the breast is too big or too small, the breast sagging affects the lamb's feeding. People need to control the lamb so that the lamb will eat evenly the milk on both sides of the breast and keep the size of the ewes in the ewes moderately high.
When ewes and lambs grazing, the time should be from short to long, and the distance should be from near to far. Special attention should be paid to changes in the weather and the sheep should be returned in time.
Before weaning, it is necessary to reduce the amount of espresso feed, silage, and concentrate feeding to prevent mastitis.
In the shed of ewes, we must constantly change the bedding and clean it regularly. The dirt should be promptly removed and kept clean and dry.

Boer goat lamb rearing

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Sheep from birth to weaning (usually 3.5 months to 4 months of age) are called lambs. The lamb is the fastest growing period of life. According to statistics, the number of male lambs increased from 3.61 kilograms to 30.04 kilograms within 4 months and the female lambs increased from 3.84 kilograms to 27.33 kilograms. The digestive function at this time is not perfect, it is poor in adaptability to the outside world, and the process of nutrition from blood, milk juice to forage material has changed greatly. The development of lambs is closely related to the weight and productivity of subsequent adult sheep. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the management of lambs and cultivate good lambs. In view of the growth characteristics of lambs, the following aspects should be grasped in feeding and management:
(A) to eat the colostum Lambs within 1-3 days after birth, we must make the lamb eat colostrum. Colostrum is the endocrine milk of the ewes 1 to 3 days after delivery. Colostrum is different from normal milk, thick yellow, rich in protein, fat, amino acid composition, vitamins more complete and adequate, containing more minerals, especially magnesium, laxative effect, can promote fetal excretion, It contains many antibodies and is a nature protection product. It has anti-disease effect and can resist the invasion of external microorganisms. Colostrum plays a special and important role in the growth and health of lambs. The fact that colostrum is not eaten will bring about irreparable losses in the lamb's life.
(b) After feeding a regular milk lamb and eating it for 3 days, it is until the weaning stage that it is feeding the normal milk. Lambs rely mainly on breast milk for several weeks after birth. First of all, it is necessary to intensify supplementary feeding for ewe ewes, supplement concentrates and succulent feeds properly, maintain good nutritional status of ewes, promote milking power, make them have sufficient milk supply, and feed lambs with sufficient whole milk. It is necessary to take care of the lambs to eat breastmilk and to seek even breastfeeding for one or more lambs, to prevent the stronger from eating more, and the weak to eat less.
(3) Early feeding In order to make lambs grow fast and have good growth performance, besides colostrum and regular milk, supplements should be provided as soon as possible to not only make the lambs obtain more complete nutrients, but also to improve gastrointestinal training. Digestive function, promote the healthy development of the gastrointestinal system, enhance the body of the lamb. One week after birth, the Little Tail Han sheep began to learn to eat young grass and feed along with the ewes. After the 10th to 15th day of the lamb's day, fresh grass and some soft, high-quality hay and leaves are introduced. The grass can also be tied into small bundles and hung on a shelf that can be eaten by the lambs at high places for lambs to feed at any time. . In order to allow the lambs to eat as soon as possible, cornmeal and bean noodles may be mixed with boiled porridge or stirred in water for the lambs to eat. The fried condiments may also be served in pots so that the lambs smell the incense first and then feed. , Or let the powder material coated on the lamb's mouth, so that it repeatedly grinding food, waiting for it to smell the sweet taste of sweet taste, it will rush like eating with big sheep.
(d) Proper grazing of lambs for proper exercise can enhance physical fitness and increase resistance to disease. The first few days of the newborn lambs are kept in the circle for 5 days to 7 days. The lambs can be moved to a place with plenty of sunlight. The first half of the day is sunlit for 1 hour and then gradually increased. After 3 weeks, the lambs can be grazing with the ewes to begin approaching. Some of them choose grazing where the terrain is flat, the leewards are sunny, and the pasture is good. Gradually increasing the grazing distance, the mother and child will walk slowly with the animal husbandry, and the lamb will not love the group. Be careful not to lose the lamb. After 30 days of age, lambs can be grouped and grazing, and the grazing time can be gradually increased with the lamb's age. Do not go to low moisture, soft pasture grazing, lambs and loose soil is easy to get gastro-intestinal disease, easy to get parasitic disease in low-humidity areas. When grazing, pay attention to training lambs from a young age to listen to the password.
(5) When the weaning lambs are weaned at a proper time, the weaning and development of normal lambs should be scientifically based on the growth and development conditions. By 3 months to 4 months of age, a large amount of pastures and fodder can be eaten, with independent living ability, and can be switched to weaning. Breeding lambs. Lamb development is relatively uniform and can be used for weaning once. If the development is strong or weak, weaning method can be used, that is, the strong lambs are weaned first. Weakly lean lambs continue to breastfeed and the weaning time can be extended appropriately. After weaning, the lamb is left in the original shed. The ewes are locked in the farther sheep house to prevent the lamb from reading the mother and affecting the feeding.
Weaning should be gradual and generally takes 7 days to 10 days to complete. When weaning begins, the mother and child are allowed to breastfeed together twice a day in the morning and evening. Later changed to breastfeeding once.

Lambs lack milk feeding method

For dairy-free lambs, fresh eggs, cod liver oil, and salt are used to stir and evenly feed the boiled water. For young lambs, the milk can be mixed with the above items and the effect is better. The specific method is: 1 fresh egg, 4 ml of cod liver oil or 1 grain, 2 grams of salt, 100 ml of boiling water, mix fresh eggs, cod liver oil, and salt into a cup, pour in boiling water and mix well until cool to 38°C~40°C. You can feed lambs. The lambs within 7 days after birth should be fed 4 to 6 times a day, 50 ml each time, or the daily feed volume should be 1/5 to 1/4 of the birth weight, and increase daily thereafter. On the 8th day after birth, the amount of feed can be increased to 0.8-1.0 kg. As the lambs continue to grow, they begin to train and eat in 15 days, and they can gradually reduce cod liver oil. One month later, gradually reduce the amount of feed and increase forage feed.

Bermudagrass as perennial herbaceous plants, with rhizomes and stolon, fibrous root thin and tenacity.Stolons tile ground or buried in the grave, 10 ~ 110 cm long, smooth, hard day take root downward, and plant height of 10 ~ 30 cm.Leaf flat, lanceolate, 3.8 ~ 8 cm long, 1 ~ 3 mm wide, front-end acuminate, margin serrulate, leaf color thick.Spica 3 ~ 6 pieces are arranged finger in stem tip, and arranged spikelets in cob side, sometimes slightly purple.Seeds 1.5 mm long, ovoid, mature falls off easily, but since the broadcast.Bermudagrass xi warm humid climate, negative resistance and cold resistance is poorer, growth temperature is 20 ~ 32 ℃, almost stopped growing in 6 ~ 9 ℃, xi drainage good fertile soil.Bermudagrass trampling resistance, strong ability to occupy.This lawn in south China green stage for 270 d, north China, central China to around 240 d.Bermudagrass breeding ability is strong, but not easy to harvest, the seed by using points rootstock breeding.

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda Grass,Bermuda Artificial Grass,Bermuda Simulative Grass,Natural Bermuda Grass

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