Young rabbit breeding technology

Young rabbits, including pups, young rabbits and young rabbits in three stages.

I. Feeding and management of puppies

This period can be regarded as a transitional period in which rabbits are switched from an infancy to an independent life. The fetus develops in the maternal uterus, nutrition is supplied by the mother, and the ambient temperature is constant; after birth, the environment undergoes a drastic change, and the pups at this stage are not yet fully developed and adapt to the external environment. The resistance is weak, but the growth and development of puppies is rapid. The weight of newborn puppies is usually 45 to 65 grams. Under normal circumstances, the weight of pups born one week after birth is double that at birth, and the weight of pups is within 30 days after birth. It has been in a period of rapid increase. Therefore, the requirements for feeding and management of young rabbits are very meticulous. It is necessary to conscientiously grasp every link and take effective measures to ensure the normal growth and development of young rabbits.

The feeding and management of puppies, according to their growth and development characteristics, can be divided into two stages of sleep and open eyes.

(A) Sleep period (birth ~ 12 days old)

The period from birth to opening of the rabbit is called the sleep period. The main points of feeding and management during this period are:

1, early breast-feeding, full-fat milk is rich in nutrients, and it is a direct source of the nutrients needed for growth and development of newborn rabbits. Therefore, it is very important to ensure that newborn rabbits eat early and eat full-fat milk. Practice has shown that newborn rabbits can eat early milk and eat full milk, then they have fast growth, strong physique, and strong disease resistance. If the milk is insufficient or often hungry, the rabbits have poor disease resistance and high mortality. Therefore, within 6 to 10 hours after the birth of the pups, the female rabbits should be examined for breast-feeding and found that pups who did not eat milk should promptly nurse the female rabbits. Checking whether the puppies eat enough milk is the basic work on the feeding tube of the pups and must be done quickly. The performance of the puppies to eat full milk is to sleep peacefully, abdomen swell, and ruddy complexion. The coat is bright; when you are hungry, the rabbit's skin is shrinking, the abdomen is not bulging, and the skin is dark, and the coat is dull and dull. If you touch it with your hands, you will see the rabbit's head squatting upwards.

During sleep, the puppies were sleeping all night except for feeding. At this time, the metabolism is very strong. Most of the milk that is eaten is digested and absorbed, and there is very little excrement of feces. Therefore, as long as the puppies during sleep can eat enough milk and sleep well, they can grow and develop normally. However, in the production practice, the phenomenon of insufficiency of rejuvenation of the bunnies often occurs. To this end, the causes should be identified and treated differently. For example, female rabbits who are not strong in nurses, especially female rabbits, will not take care of their own pups after giving birth, and may not even feed pups. When the pups become hungry, they must take compulsory breastfeeding promptly. Measures. The method is to fix the female rabbit in the nest box to keep it quiet, place the puppies next to each nipple of the female rabbit, and place the female rabbit's nipple on the top of the mouth so that it can freely suck the milk and force it to breastfeed once or twice a day. Continuously for 3 to 5 days, the female rabbits fed their own milk. If the female rabbit has too much calving and causes a small number of puppies to eat less milk, they should take measures to adjust the puppies to the nanny. The number of litters in the female rabbits is often somewhat different. Extra puppies can be removed from the litter and the female rabbits with fewer litters in the maternity period (never less than one to two days in succession) are placed in foster care. In order to avoid sending mothers to bite the baby, the two litters of puppies can be mixed together to make the pups smell the same and then they can breastfeed. If the female rabbit is born, the female rabbit is dead, has no milk, or has breast disease and cannot be fed, and if the mother cannot be found in time, artificial breastfeeding can be used. The artificial breast-feeding tools can be used glass cannula, syringe, plastic eye drops, etc. A bicycle valve core can be connected to the tube and it should be boiled and sterilized before use. Artificial nursing milk, fresh milk or condensed milk, milk powder can be. If you use condensed milk, milk powder, you should pay attention to the concentration, not too thick to prevent indigestion. All the milk in the middle must be boiled and sterilized before feeding and then cooled to 37-38°C. 1 or 2 times a day. When you feed, be patient and gently press the nipple or plastic bottle while sucking. Do not inadvertently rush into the trachea to avoid sudden death. Do not feed too much and eat enough.

2, to prevent hanging milk "hanging milk" is mainly due to female rabbits less milk, baby rabbits are not enough to eat a long time when the suction of the female rabbit's nipples hold, when the female rabbit away from the nest will be out of the nest of nursing puppies Or the female rabbit was harassed while breastfeeding, causing panic and suddenly leaving the nest. The pups who are hanging out of their nests are vulnerable to freezing or being killed by the female rabbit. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the feeding and management. When a puppies who have found hanging milk out of their nests should immediately return the puppies to their nests and find out the reasons and take timely measures. If the female rabbit is suffering from breast milk deficiency, it is necessary to adjust the female rabbit's diet, increase the amount of concentrate feed properly, and feed more quality green and blue juicy feed to increase the amount of lactation of the female rabbit. If it is due to improper management that causes the female rabbit to panic and leave the nest, management should be strengthened to keep the female rabbit quiet. If you find that the puppies hanging outside are frozen, you should immediately put the frozen pups into their bosom to warm them, or invade the pups into the warm water at 40°C to expose the outlet nose for breathing. As long as the rescue is timely and measures are in place, the pups can be revived after about 10 minutes. After the skin becomes rosy, the body is wiped dry and put back into the nest.

3. Carefully manage the newborn baby rabbits without hair, and begin to grow fine hairs 4 to 5 days after birth. The puppies in this period have poor adaptability to the external environment and weak resistance. Therefore, cold winter and spring seasons should be antifreeze, summer and hot seasons should be to cool down and prevent mosquitoes, and usually to prevent animal pests and rat damage. We must conscientiously do a good job in sanitation, keep grass mats clean and dry, and prevent infectious diseases. The number of hairs on the puppies is determined by the temperature, thickening when cold, and decreasing when the heat is applied, so as to prevent the pups from being frozen or heated.

Newborn puppies are required to be sex-identified to eliminate weak frail rabbits. If a litter box is used to raise puppies, they will be breastfed regularly once or twice a day, that is, once a day or night, or once a night. The litter box is placed in the female rabbit cage during lactation and the female rabbit jumps into the box and feeds it. Feeding the female rabbit out of the farrowing box, taking out the litter box and putting it in a safe place. The advantage of adopting mother-family segregation and timing feeding method is that the female rabbit has a high lactation level. The rabbit can have a longer sleep rest time after eating a full-fat milk, which is beneficial to the growth and development of the pups, and can also effectively prevent the phenomenon of hanging milk. occur.

In addition, we must pay attention to the observation of normal feces and urine of rabbits, such as more urine, indicating that female rabbits eat too much green juicy feed, milk is too thin; a lot of rabbit feces, indicating that the female rabbit feed concentrate, The green feed has eaten too little or the water is not enough and the milk is too strong. Based on these conditions, the female rabbit's feed should be adjusted accordingly.

(b) Open eyes

About 12 days after the birth of the pups, their eyes were opened. From eye opening to weaning, this time was called eye opening. It is very important for the rabbits to open their eyes sooner or later. Well-developed puppies have an early eye opening. If puppies do not open their eyes 14 days after birth, they often have poor health and are prone to illness.

After the rabbit opened his eyes, he was excited and jumped up and down in the nest box. He jumped out of the nest box after a few days and was called out of the nest. Sooner or later out of the nest, depending on how much breast milk, breast milk out of the nest as soon as possible, breast milk out of the nest. At this time, due to the increasing weight of the pups, the female rabbit's milk has not been able to meet the needs of puppies, and is often followed by sucking milk, so the eye opening period is also known as the recovery period. The puppies in this period will undergo a transition from feeding to eating plant feed. The focus of feeding should be on the feeding and weaning of puppies.

1. The feed rabbits of puppies began to try to feed on the 16th day. At this time can give a small amount of digestible and rich nutrition feed, such as soy milk, tofu or cut green grass, cabbage leaves and so on. At the age of 18 to 21 days, some ryegrass and bean dregs can be fed. At the age of 22 to 26 days, a small amount of minerals, antibiotics, and nitrofurazone, onions, orange leaves and other anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and stomach-enhancing drugs can be added to the same feed to enhance physical fitness and reduce disease. The pups have a small stomach and weak digestion, but their growth and development are fast. When feeding, they need to feed fewer meals and feed evenly, gradually increasing. Usually fed 5 to 6 times a day, each time the amount is less. In the early stage of eating, breast-fed milk is mainly used as feed; when it is 20 days old, it is converted into feed-based, and breast milk is vice, until weaning. In this period of Dadu, special attention should be paid to the principle of slow transformation, so that the puppies can gradually adapt to the good results.

The weaned rabbits of weaned rabbits were weaned 40 to 45 days of age, small rabbits weighing 500 to 600 grams, large rabbits weighing 1000 to 1200 grams, prematurely weaned, and the digestive system of the pups were not fully developed. Poor digestibility of feed, growth will be affected. Without special measures, the earlier the weaning, the higher the mortality rate of puppies. According to observations, after 30 days of weaning, the survival rate was only 60%. After 40 days of weaning, the survival rate was 80%. After 45 days of weaning, the survival rate was 88%. After 60 days of weaning, the survival rate was 92%. However, weaning was too late, and the young rabbits depended on breast milk nutrition for a long time. The various enzymes in the digestive tract formed slowly, resulting in slow growth of the pups. At the same time, it also has a direct impact on the health of the female rabbit and the number of breeding nests per year, so the weaning of rabbits should be 40-45 days old.

The method of weaning should be based on the physical condition of the whole litter. If the whole litter-bunny rabbit grows evenly and its physique is strong, one weaning method is adopted, ie, the mother-family shall be kept separately. In the 2 to 3 days after weaning, the female rabbits only fed green material and stopped feeding to stop the milk. Such as the whole litter size difference between the rabbits, uneven growth and development, we can use batch weaning method. That is to say, we must first wean the baby with strong constitution, and the infirm should continue breastfeeding. After a few days, weaning will be carried out depending on the situation. If conditions allow, the method of removing the female rabbit and leaving the original nest may be adopted to avoid the sudden change of the environment and affect the weight gain of the young rabbit.

3. Management of puppies When the pups have just started eating, they will eat the feces of the female rabbits by mistake. If the female rabbit has coccidiosis, it is easy to transmit to the pups. In order to ensure the health of the rabbit body, it is best to have the mother-in-a-breast rearing from 15 days old, but it is necessary to feed the young ones every 12 hours.

After the puppies have started eating, the excrement increases. Always change the bedding and wash or replace the nest box. Otherwise, it is unhealthy for a baby to sleep in a wet nest.

Always check the health status of the pups and look at the ears of the pups. If the color is pink, it indicates good nutrition; if the color of the ear is dark, it indicates malnutrition.

In order to improve the health of the pups, after each diet, the female rabbits can be brought to the stadium for proper activities.

Before the weaning of rabbits, we must make adequate preparations. For example, the rabbit cages, utensils and utensils needed for weaning rabbits should be washed and disinfected in advance. The quality of the feed for weaning rabbits is better, and the crude protein content in the mixture is the highest. Fortunately, more than 18%.

Second, young rabbits and young rabbits feeding and management

The growth and development of young rabbits is fast, but the disease resistance is poor. Special attention must be paid to nursing. Otherwise it is stunted and it is easy to die.

Weaned-rabbit rabbits must be kept in a warm, clean and dry place. It is better to keep them in cages and keep 3 to 4 eggs per cage. In group breeding, each group can consist of 8 to 10 animals. The feed is preferably made of high protein blended concentrates and high-quality hay made from blends of bran, bean cake, and milk. Because the content of protein and fat in rabbit's milk is three times higher than that of milk, it is difficult to feed young rabbits with feed fed with rabbits. The feed to be fed should be clean and fresh, and the muddy grass should be washed and dried before feeding. When you feed, you should master less meals and more meals. Green material three times a day; fine material two times a day.

Young rabbits should exercise more, they can combine the body to raise their stocks, and increase physical exercise. The individual size of the stocking rabbits should be approximately the same, and the weaker ones can be kept separately. In addition to windy and rainy days, the spring and fall seasons will be released in the morning and will be returned to the evening in the evening; the winter will be released at noon when it is warm; and the summer will be released when it cools in the morning and evening. If there is a hangar or other shading equipment, it can be released all day long and recovered in the evening.

When the rabbits are in exercise, they should be guarded by special persons to prevent mutual fighting from being harmed. If rabbits are found, they should be quickly isolated. If you experience a sudden climate change, you should close your mouth as soon as possible.

After puppies weaning, it is the time of hair replacement. The body has a strong metabolism and needs more nutrition, so the amount of feed should be increased. Three to six months of age of young rabbits called young (also known as rabbit). The young rabbits have a large food intake and fast growth. The young rabbits mainly use green roughage as their feed, and they are properly supplemented with compound feeds to intensify their exercise and make it fully developed. Young rabbits have started estrus. To prevent early mating, male and female rabbits must be kept in separate cages. Rabbits over 4 months old should be selected. All well-developed individuals should be kept as seedlings and raised in single cages. Those who are not suitable for seeding should be castrated in time and grouped for fattening.

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