Bamboo cultivation and management techniques

Bamboo, also known as cloud bamboo, is not a bamboo but a perennial vine belonging to the genus Lilium. Because of its soft leaves, green year-round, branches and knots, like bamboo, and elegant and chic gestures, it is called as bamboo. Bamboo is native to South Africa and is now cultivated in gardens around the world. It is a famous flower of the foliage. Its branches and leaves are not only lining materials for cutting flowers and flower arrangements, but also can be used medicinally and have the effect of relieving cough and lungs.

The bamboo roots are deep and fleshy, stems are clustered, and the leaves are slender, arranged horizontally in slices. Two years later, the asparagus plant grew faster and was growing. Potted planted bamboo usually blooms after 4-5 years, and if it is not properly managed, even flowering does not result. In order to make the results of the results of the use of bamboo, on the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water. Prevention measures: Do not move the flower pot during flowering. If you want to move the flower pot, you should pay attention to the direction, so that the asparagus is still facing the light to the light. If the light is disturbed, it will cause the falling flower. Asparagus blooms usually from April to May, small white flowers from September to October, and spherical small berries from December to February of the following year. When the skin is discolored, harvest it in time to remove the skin. Dry it for use.

The cultivars of Asparagus are: Dwarf arborescens, which is characterized by fine and short leafy branches and no creeping. Asparagus grandiflorum, with its stems and leaves beginning to clump, began to spread after 2-3 years. The phyllo-stems grow very long and grow irregularly, requiring trimming and scaffolding.

Wenzhu Sex enjoys warm, airy, semi-humid and semi-humid environment. It is not tolerant to cold and avoids direct sunlight. It is suitable for growing in humus-rich and well-drained sandy soils. The most critical issue in the cultivation and management of mangosteen is watering. Excessive watering, basin soil too wet, easy to cause root rot, yellow leaves off; too little water, too dry basin soil, it is easy to cause the tip of the blade yellow, leaves off. Therefore, the usual amount of watering and the number of waterings depend on the weather, growth and basin conditions. Do not do dry, do not pour, pouring is poured, can not be poured "half waist water", that is, watering only wet topsoil, the following soil is still dry. After pouring it down with water, it penetrates quickly and the surface is not watery. When the weather is hot and dry, spray the leaves with water. Reduce watering after entering the room in winter. Keeping the room temperature above 5°C is safe.

Asparagus growth period, can be applied once every half of the maturity of the thin liquid fertilizer, when the plant stereotypes, should be appropriate to control the fertilization, so as not to grow long, affecting the appearance of beautiful plants, appropriate trim. Potted asparagus is best changed once a year, preferably in the spring. Wenzhu is afraid of soot and dust, and its location must be ventilated. Generally, there are few diseases.

Potted asparagus, if improperly maintained, often appear yellow leaves. The reasons for the yellowing of the branches and branches of the asparagus and their prevention methods will be summarized as follows:

(1) The light is too strong. Wenzhu Xi half-yin and half sun, avoid strong direct sunlight, otherwise it will cause the leaves yellow. So give shade to the bamboo.

(2) Improper watering. Wenzhuxi is moist but afraid of earthworms, so it is better to use sandy soil with ventilated seepage. Watering should be appropriate, more will rotten, less leaves yellow leaves. When the weather is hot and dry, it is necessary to spray water on branches and leaves every day to increase the humidity of the environment and compensate for the evaporation of water in the leaves.

(3) Insufficient nutrients. Potted asparagus, if changed basin for many years, will cause insufficient soil nutrients. If only water is poured and no fertilizer is used, nutrient deficiency will be caused. Potted planted bamboo, should be poured once a week rotten liquid fertilizer, and timely watering and loose soil.

(4) Improper fertilization. If excessively rich or non-ripe fertilizers are applied, the roots will be damaged and the leaves will turn yellow. The water should be used to wash the pot soil, dilution of fertilizer concentration, or immediately change the soil to save.

(5) Bad winter tube. Wenzhu prefers warmth and chills. It should be placed in a warm indoor sunny place in winter. The room temperature should be maintained at 8-12°C. Long-term shade, under the temperature of 8°C, will turn branches and leaves yellow. It is also necessary to control the watering.

(6) Smoke and dust pollution. Wenzhu is afraid of smoke and toxic gases, should be placed in the air circulation, to avoid pollution. Water is often sprayed on the leaves to wash away dust.

Asparagus can be used for sowing and ramification, but it is used for sowing and propagation. Because of the ramets, it is better to use the seed for breeding.

It is not an easy task to make the asparagus seed and it must be meticulously preserved before it can bloom and seed. Seedlings of asparagus mature mostly in 2-4 months and should be harvested in time for timely sowing. If the seeds are left for a long time, germination ability will decline.

Before sowing, the rind was peeled off and the seeds were removed and sowed in a shallow pot in the greenhouse. Basin soil can be prepared with 4 fine furnaces, 3 loams, 2 soils, and 1 river mud. After the seeds are sown, cover soil not to be too thick, soaked in water, kept at 15-20°C at room temperature, and spray 1-2 times a day to keep the basin soil moist, about a month or so. The seedlings were transplanted about 5 cm above the pot.

The division propagation takes place in the spring. Put the asparagus plants with soil from the original pot, and use a knife to divide the roots, so that each plant has 3-5 clumps of branches, try to save some of the original soil on the root, and then transplant them separately in a spare pot, pour On the permeable, placed in shade, avoid sunlight in the 7-10 days to facilitate survival.

The most critical issue in the cultivation and management of mangosteen is the supply of water. Therefore, whether or not the watering is appropriate becomes an important part of raising the success or failure of the bamboo. Excessive watering, basin soil too wet, easy to cause root rot, yellow leaves off; too little water, long-term drought basin soil, but also easy to cause the tip yellow, off. Therefore, during the growth and development, the amount of watering and the number of watering depends on the weather, seedling potential, and wet and dry condition of the basin soil. Watering on weekdays to pour water into pots quickly seeps into the soil and the soil does not accumulate water. Do not pour, do not pour, poured on the water, can not be poured "half waist water", that is, the amount of water is only wet the topsoil, the following soil is dry, causing the bottom of the root system can not absorb water, so the branches will be yellow. When the weather is dry or hot, besides keeping the wet state of the basin soil, it is also necessary to often sprinkle water on the ground around the plants and spray the leaves with clean water to increase the air humidity. After entering the room in winter to reduce the number of watering, often sprayed branches and leaves to keep the plants green and fresh.

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