Sunlight Greenhouse Production Management

Promote the accumulation of nutrients and cultivate strong roots: The alfalfa is fully produced under light conditions, and its products are all derived from the nutrients accumulated during the growth stage of the open soil. Therefore, the cultivation of hypertrophic underground stems is the basis for the yield of alfalfa.

After the beginning of autumn, the leek enters the period of suitable temperature growth, begins to attack with water and fertilizer, and promotes the lush growth of stems and leaves on the ground. Combined with rainfall or irrigation topdressing nitrogen fertilizer, 15 kg of urea is chased every 667 square meters. After the topdressing, use a planer and pick up the earth. To facilitate the underground stems to store nutrients. In October, stop topdressing and watering to prevent greediness. At the end of autumn and early winter, the leaves will fall through the frost. At this time, it is necessary to protect the stems and leaves from damage and ensure that the nutrients are returned to the underground stems.

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