Chronic gastritis how to raise stomach

Chronic gastritis is very common, mostly caused by irregular diet. As the saying goes, "Stomach disease is divided into three parts, and seven points are raised." How does chronic gastritis raise stomach? Let's take a look at the method of raising stomach.

Chronic gastritis lacks specific symptoms. The severity of symptoms is not consistent with that of gastric mucosa. Most patients often have asymptomatic or varying degrees of indigestion symptoms such as abdominal pain, loss of appetite, postprandial fullness, and acid reflux. Symptoms often occur repeatedly, with no regular abdominal pain. Pain often occurs during or after meals. Most of the pain is located on the upper abdomen, umbilical cord, and some patients are not fixed. Light intermittent pain or dull pain, severe severe cramps .


Chronic gastritis how to raise stomach

1. Develop good eating habits and eat regularly. To eat three meals a day, choose an easy-to-digest diet and avoid eating hard, cold and rough foods with too much fiber, such as leeks and celery. Do not eat enough meals, eat snacks, so as not to increase the burden on the stomach.

2, chronic gastritis should not drink a lot of beer. Drinking a certain amount of beer, the patient will generally feel full on the upper abdomen, burning sensation, frequent hernia, loss of appetite; symptoms of atrophic gastritis after drinking is particularly evident.

3, eat more high protein foods and high vitamin foods to ensure that the body's various nutrients are sufficient to prevent anemia and malnutrition, such as lean meat, chicken, fish, liver and other internal organs and green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, eggplant, red dates, etc. . It is best to eat 2 to 3 fresh hawthorns per meal to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.

4, reduce the damage to the gastric wax. It is advisable to chew food slowly while eating, grind the food and thoroughly mix it with saliva. It not only helps digestion, but also relieves the burden on the stomach and protects the infected stomach.

5, less acid, should eat some sour food. Patients with chronic atrophic gastritis and hypochlorhydria can eat dishes such as sour milk, vinegar, and acidic fruits (hawthorn, apple, orange, strawberry) to stimulate gastric secretion, help digestion, and increase appetite.

6, hyperacidity, should not eat easily produce acid food. Such as sucrose, sweet cakes, sweet potatoes and strong tea, coffee, alcohol, thick broth and so on. Eat soda crackers to neutralize stomach acid. Obvious abdominal distention should not eat or eat as much as possible to produce flatulence foods such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, boiled beans, etc.

7, reduce the food on the stomach of the bad stimulation, avoid tobacco and alcohol, do not eat spicy spicy food, to avoid long-term eating overheated sour and smoked food. Avoid long-term use of drugs that stimulate gastric mucosa, such as aspirin, indomethacin, and prednisone.

The therapeutic side of chronic gastritis

1, Atractylodes Pork belly porridge

Practice: Atractylodes 30 grams, 1 pig stomach, 60 grams of rice, a little ginger. The pig stomach washed and cut into small pieces, with Atractylodes, ginger 1000 ml of water, boiling juice about 600 ml, plus glutinous rice with Zhu Chengyu, sooner or later 2 times sub-service.

Efficacy: For the spleen and stomach weakness, loss of appetite, abdominal distention, bowel movements and other embolism.

2, bean pods

Practice: 15 grams of white cardamom, 1000 grams of flour, 50 grams of yeast. The white pods were studied as fine powder, and after the flour was fermented, the steamed bread was added together.

Efficacy: Used for spleen and stomach Qi stagnation abdominal pain, loss of appetite or stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting.

3, Shen Qu Porridge

Practice: Divine Comedy 10 ~ 15 grams, 30 ~ 60 grams of rice. Divide the Divine Comedy first, add 2000 ml of water, fry 1000 ml of juice, and then add glutinous rice into a gruel. Divide it two times a day.

Efficacy: For the spleen and stomach weakness, loss of appetite, food product difficult to eliminate, belching, pantothenic acid, bloating and abdominal distension embolism.

4, Yuzhu porridge

Practice: fresh odoratum 30 ~ 60 grams, 60 grams of rice, a little rock sugar. First wash the fresh osmanthus, remove the roots, chop, add 1000 ml of water, fry about 500 ml of gravy, add glutinous rice and cook it as gruel, add a little rock sugar, and divide it into 3~4 times daily. .

Efficacy: Applicable to patients with gastritis who have stomach fire or yin deficiency and internal heat and who are easily hungry. Acid water, bloating and bloating embolism.

5, pepper cake

Practice: picking 6 grams of pepper, white flour 60 grams, light blue stems. The pepper will be closed, go to the pepper head, drying into powder, mixed with flour, add water and knead into a small cake. The water boiled, lower pepper cake, cooked, add light blue, and add MSG, sesame oil, salt and other seasoning. Eat noodle soup.

Efficacy: Applicable to cold stagnation caused by stagnation of stomach cramps Leng Tong, swelling discomfort, loss of appetite embolism.

"Eat" out of the stomach, but also rely on "eat" to nurse. Therefore, patients with chronic gastritis must maintain their stomachs in daily life.



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