10 slimming breakfast porridge easily lose belly

1. Fresh sunflower porridge

Fresh sunflower 100g, rice 50g. Wash the kale and cut it until it is ready; rice is scouring the net and letting people in the pot, add appropriate amount of water to the porridge, and when it is cooked, transfer it to the sunflower dish and boil it. Daily 1 bowl for 3 to 5 days. Can clear the intestines, cooling blood detoxification. Applicable to constipation caused by gastrointestinal heat, urine pouring astringent, dysentery blood in the stool, acne swelling and so on.

2. Yu Liren porridge

Yu Liren 10g, rice 100g. Yu Liren choose the net, chop broken, put the pot, add appropriate amount of water, soak 5 to 10 minutes later, decoction juice, increase the rice cook for gruel Serve. Daily 1 bowl for 2 to 3 days. Can be laxative, benefit water swelling. It is suitable for dry stools, difficult urination, swelling of edema (cirrhosis of ascites), edema of limbs, etc.


3. Mazi porridge

Maziren 20g, rice 100g, amount of sugar. Select the net of pockmarked, put the pot, add appropriate amount of water, soak 5 to 10 minutes later, decoction juice, increase the rice porridge, transfer to sugar when cooked, boil can be. Daily 1 bowl for 3 to 5 days. Can ease laxative, nourishing tonic. It is suitable for evil heat and yin, or the body of Huowang, Tianjin dry and constipated due to constipation, abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting.

4. Banana porridge

2 bananas, rice 50g, amount of sugar. Peel the bananas, select the net, pick up the mud and spare; take rice Amoy net, put people in the pot, add appropriate amount of water porridge, bananas, sugar, boil can be transferred to ripe. Daily 1 bowl for 3 to 5 days. It can clear away heat and intestines, moisten the lungs and stop coughing. For hemorrhoids hemorrhoids, dry stools, lung deficiency, dryness cough, and drunk thirst, stomach pain and so on.

5. Honey porridge

50g rice, honey amount. Rice Amoy net, into the pot, add appropriate amount of water porridge, until cooked into the honey, boil can be. Daily 1 bowl for 3 to 5 days. Can fill in urgency, lungs and cough, laxative. Applicable to the spleen and stomach deficiency caused by burned food, abdominal pain, lung deficiency cough, or chronic cough, constipation due to physical deficiency and loss.

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