Preliminary Analysis of Feeding and Management Points in Sows' Pre-production

In order to ensure the normal production of sows, it is necessary to strengthen management and management measures for their rearing and management measures, especially nursing work, changing feeds, and adding and subtracting feeds.

First, pay attention to observation

One week before sow delivery, it is necessary to observe the dynamics of the sows at any time to strengthen the nursing work to prevent accidents such as premature birth and accidental delivery.

Second, change the feed

During the first 10-15 days of sow production, feeds must be changed gradually. In order to prevent the pigs from indigestion and piglet diarrhoea due to sudden postpartum changes, lactation diets need to be changed.

Third, add and subtract feed

1, according to the sow's lyrical conditions for addition and subtraction feed, sows good sows, 1 week before delivery to gradually reduce the amount of feed, to 1 to 2 days before delivery to subtract half of the diet, in order to avoid oppression of the fetus and cause Sow constipation affects the delivery, and it is necessary to reduce the large-volume feed such as coarse material and dregs.

2, when the sow has found the symptoms of labor must immediately stop feeding, feed bean cake bran soup can be.

3, sows with poor lye, you need to feed the protein such as soybean cake can be prolactin, so as to avoid the sow post-natal milkless phenomenon.

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