Summary of technical methods for pollution-free ginger cultivation

Summary of the technical methods for pollution-free ginger planting. In the past few days, the Shandong poisonous ginger incident brought ginger to the market. On May 4, 2013, CCTV’s “Focus Interview” reported that some local farmers used Shennong Dan to grow ginger, while Shennong Dan was more toxic. Strong, able to be absorbed by plants, local farmers do not eat ginger that used this highly toxic pesticide, this incident has had a very bad impact on ginger cultivation. In response to this situation, we have combined with the relevant agricultural technology departments to summarize some technical points on the cultivation of pollution-free ginger, and hope to help everyone.

The requirements for pollution-free planting of ginger are relatively high. The planting process must be carried out in accordance with certain regulations, and the products must meet certain quality standards. In the past few years, in order to meet the demand for agricultural products in the domestic and international markets, the use of pesticides in the production process has been reduced. To reduce the amount of pesticide residues in our products, we summarized the integrated pest and disease control techniques from the selection of land to the harvest of ginger, and achieved obvious economic benefits.

Non-polluted ginger is planted in a slightly acidic soil with rich soil layers, fertile soil, rich organic matter and pH value of 6 to 7. The terrain is high in dryness and convenient for irrigation and drainage. The former hoe land is grain or garlic field. There are no three sources of waste pollution within 3 km of the plot. The atmospheric environmental quality, irrigation water quality and soil of Jiangtian should conform to the quality standards of pollution-free agricultural products bases.

In the selection of pollution-free ginger, it is recommended to use ginger as a ginger in the disease-free land of the previous year. Use the well water to wash away the sediment, and select the ginger that is hypertrophy, plump, shiny, bright and yellow, not shrinking, hard in texture, unfrozen, non-corrosive, bud-headed, and pest-free. It is strictly forbidden to transfer from the diseased ginger area. Strictly remove the ginger that has dark skin (has been licked), frozen, rotted, soft ginger or other pests and diseases.

Non-polluted ginger planting should pay attention to fertilization. In the two weeks of ginger planting, it should be combined with deep-turning, flattening and finening. When planting, ridges should be applied to the fertilizer. In the early stage of seedlings, the water should be poured mainly to keep the ground moist. In the later stage of seedlings, water is appropriately watered according to the weather conditions. Keep the ground dry and wet. In summer, it is better to water in the morning and evening. After heavy rain, the water in the ground is removed in time, and then the well water is refilled. Throughout the ginger growing season, flooding is prohibited.

In the case of pollution-free ginger planting, pests and diseases will inevitably occur. When there is a disease such as ginger rot and ginger rot in the process of pollution-free planting, if the diseased plants are found in the field, the diseased plants and the soil around the diseased plants should be excavated in time to bring out the deep burial of the fields. Apply 125 grams of bleaching powder or 1% bleaching powder in the hole, then seal it with sterile soil, and the control effect is good. Ginger planting If you find ginger anthracnose, leaf blight, etc. should be removed in time to put it in a plastic bag, bring out the field burned or buried. For conventional pests, it is possible to prevent the use of high-pressure mercury lamps at night to trap adult insects.

This article URL: Summary of technical methods for pollution-free ginger cultivation

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