Summer jealous benefits more vinegar recipe recommended

Summer is susceptible to fatigue because, under normal circumstances, the human body is maintained in a neutral or slightly alkaline environment. However, when labor and working hours are long or the rest is not good, there will be a large amount of lactic acid produced, and people will have a sense of fatigue. The acetic acid in vinegar will facilitate the further oxidation of lactic acid into water and carbon dioxide, and the water will continue to participate in the body. Metabolized or turned into urine and sweat, carbon dioxide is exhaled from the lungs. Therefore, vinegar has unique miraculous effects of preventing and eliminating fatigue.

The amino acids in vinegar, acetic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, succinic acid, glycerol and aldehydes are not only essential for human vitality and metabolism, but also beneficial to the liver's own detoxification and detoxification functions. So what's the benefit of summer junk?

1, sweat sweating

Summer sweating and easy to lose body fluids, you need to eat sour foods, such as fruit vinegar and tomatoes, lemons, strawberries, grapes, pineapple, ebony, mango, hawthorn, kiwi and the like, their sour taste can sweat, diarrhea, dampness, It prevents excessive sweating and consumes gas and hurts yin, and it also helps to quench your thirst.

2, disinfection sterilization

Chinese medicine classics, "Medical Forest Ministries," recorded that vinegar can "kill fish poisoning," vinegar has a strong ability to inhibit bacteria in a short time can kill pyogenic Staphylococcus and so on. Prevention of typhoid, dysentery and other intestinal infectious diseases. Summer is the season when various bacteria grow. Toxins easily accumulate in the body. Because of the high temperatures in summer, people like to eat cold food and eat cold dishes. At this time, properly eating vinegar can play a role in sterilization and effectively prevent the infection of gastrointestinal pathogens.

3, spleen appetite

Vinegar can stimulate gastric acid secretion, spleen appetite, is a good way to promote appetite. Modern scientific research found that volatile substances and amino acids in vinegar can stimulate the brain's central nervous system, allowing the digestive organs to secrete a large amount of digestive juices, which contributes to the enhancement of digestive function. Therefore, eating high-quality vinegar during the high temperature season can serve as an appetizer and increase appetite. The role of the elderly in particular helps digestion.

In addition, vinegar can also raise the stomach, so people with chronic, atrophic gastritis, moderate vinegar will be effectively relieved.

4, absorb calcium

In the summer, the most balanced nutrition is most needed. In the high-temperature environment, the consumption of human nutrients is quite large. In addition to three meals a day, we must pay attention to the additional vitamin C, B1, B2 and A, D, calcium from vegetables, fruits, and diets. People who lose more must also supplement high-quality calcium preparations. Vinegar can also increase and help absorb nutrients such as calcium. When cooking ribs soup, a small amount of vinegar can be added to help release calcium from the bones, making it easier for people to absorb calcium.

5, refreshing

High temperature weather causes a large amount of lactic acid to be produced in the body, and people are fatigued and fatigued. However, the acetic acid in vinegar facilitates the further oxidation of lactic acid into water and carbon dioxide. Water continues to participate in metabolism or urine and sweat discharge. Carbon dioxide is exhaled from the lungs. Therefore, vinegar has unique prevention and elimination of fatigue. Wonderful effect.

So, how do you eat vinegar in the summer? Xiaobian recommends for the users the following recipes:

1, pig's feet vinegar

Practice: Put appropriate amount of oil to heat, put sand ginger, ginger, amount of salt, fry a few times; Put the egg, use the spatula to flip twice; pour vinegar, pig's feet and piece of sugar, vinegar to flood all ginger eggs; After the fire boiled over, it was slow-fired for half an hour; a ceasefire, poured into a corrugated brew, soaked for a few days, the longer the foaming time, the more tasty; when you eat, you can heat the corrugated rice and eat it.

Efficacy: appetizers, hurricane, warm stomach, cold.

2, vinegar and pepper fish

Method: Pour the raw oil into a wok, place it on a hot plate, add pepper, diced green onion, and ginger in order. Pour the broth into the chicken broth, add ginger sauce, Shaoxing wine, salt and monosodium glutamate. . At this time, the squid is boiled in boiled water for 4 to 5 minutes, turning the knife over, removing the stench, and then putting it into the soup (flower knife face up). After the soup is boiled, it is moved to a small fire and burns. In 20 minutes, add ginger, green onion, parsley and vinegar, topped with sesame oil.

Efficacy: conditioning anemia and insomnia, delay aging.

3, balsamic vinegar

Method: Fill the rice with glutinous rice, add water and add sugar to boil; heat the cooked rice glutinous rice into 1 cm thick slices, take the raw meal, place it on the cutting board, and slice it with a thin slice; A good underarm pan is fried until golden brown, remove the oil and dry the oil; put the wolfberry into the pan again; put a little oil in the pan and put in osmanthus, sugar, balsamic vinegar until it is sticky. Pouring on fried oysters can be.

Efficacy: Runfei Shengjin.

4, old vinegar jellyfish head

Method: Put the steamed bun into a trowel, put it in hot water and blanch it, remove it immediately, and brew it with cold water. Garlic simmered at the end, carrots peeled and cut into filaments, parsley washed and cut into small pieces for use. Put the steamed buns into the pot and place the cut carrot, coriander, garlic, soy sauce, chicken, salt, sugar, vinegar, and sesame oil into the pan.

Efficacy: appetizers, nourishing the lungs.

Squid Strip

Squid, also known as soft fish and calamari, has high nutritional value and is precious seafood. It is basically the same nutritional function as soft brachiopods such as cuttlefish and octopus. They are foods rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., and rich in trace elements such as selenium, iodine, manganese, and copper.

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