8 foods make your eyes brighter

Walnut dates and eggs

Walnut (micro fried and peeled) 300 grams, red dates (nuclear) 250 grams, 150 grams of wolfberry fruit, and 200 grams of fresh pork liver chopped, put porcelain pots add a little water, stew half an hour after standby. Take 2 to 3 tablespoons per day, break into two eggs, and add enough sugar to steam. The beneficial effect of kidney tonic and nourishing blood can improve the symptoms of nearsightedness, vision loss, dizziness and forgetfulness, and weak waist and knees.

Peanut melon bean cake

100 grams of peanuts, 50 grams of pumpkin seeds, 60 grams of jujube meat, 30 grams of soy flour, 250 grams of glutinous rice flour, together with the jujube meat into mud, and then transferred to some flour, add the appropriate amount of oil and water, and mix thoroughly to make the cake, steamed Cooked and finished the day. Spleen Qi, nourishing blood, eyesight, improve myopia, blurred vision, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, physically weak constipation and other symptoms.

Bean kernel rice glutinous rice pudding

Red beans, lentils, peanuts, barley, walnut meat, longan, lotus seeds, red dates, 30 grams, 500 grams of rice, add water, porridge, mix sugar, warm food. Spleen qi can help Qi eyesight. Appropriate for myopia, long-term vision, poor appetite and indigestion.

Ginseng Yuan Zhi Yin

Ginseng 10 grams, Polygalaceae 30 grams, a total of 3 grams, each packet of 8 grams, 1 packet each time, boiling water brewing on behalf of the tea, and even served 7 to 10 days. Can Qi Yang Xin, the eyesight and wisdom.


枸杞 100 grams, 300 grams of pork, green bamboo shoots (or magnolia tablets) 10 grams, 100 grams of lard, a variety of condiments. Wash the lean meat, cut into filaments of about 6 cm, and shoot the same green bamboo shoots. When the oil becomes hot, enter the pork, stir-fried bamboo shoots, add cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, into the pot, stir fry a few, can be poured sesame oil. Hemorrhoids can nourish the liver, kidneys, lungs and eyesight. Pork is rich in protein, and the two can feed together. It can make blood and blood prosperous, and it can nourish various tissues in the eye.

Pork Liver

100 grams of liver, two eggs, lobster sauce, light blue, salt, monosodium glutamate amount. Wash the liver, cut into pieces, set the pot to add water, moderate heat, simmer until liver cooked, add lobster sauce, light blue, then enter the eggs, add salt, monosodium glutamate and other seasoning. Eggs and liver are rich in protein foods, pig liver contains more vitamin A, nutrition eyeballs, the two together can receive the effect of Liver eyesight, for young people with myopia (also used for hyperopia) diet. The liver can be replaced by goat liver, bovine liver and chicken liver.

Sesame walnut milk honey drink

Black sesame and saute into powder, walnut meat smashed, sub-storage bottles. Take a spoonful each time, rush into a cup of milk (or soymilk) and add a spoonful of honey to transfer. Can nourish the liver and kidney, eyesight Runzao, can be used for therapeutic myopia and dry eyes, dry stools and other evidence.

Oyster mushroom seaweed soup

250 grams of fresh oyster meat, 200 grams of mushrooms, 30 grams of seaweed, ginger, sesame oil, salt, MSG amount. Mushrooms and ginger are boiled for a quarter of an hour before re-entry oysters and seaweed. Cook with the above ingredients and eat with soup. It can nourish the kidney, nourish the liver, improve blood and eyesight, and is suitable for nearsightedness, dimness of vision or chronic illness, dizziness and dizziness.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are the most nutritious food group and the cornerstone of the diet. They have many benefits to human health, mainly including preventing diseases, promoting human health, preventing tumors, facilitating defecation and bowel clearing, improving brain skills, and helping people lose weight and shape.
1, prevention of disease: vitamin B1 in whole grains can prevent beriberi; Vitamin B2 can improve vision and prevent stomatitis; Vitamin C can relieve fatigue symptoms, lower limb soreness, prevent colds; Calcium prevents osteoporosis;
Potassium can stabilize blood pressure, improve mood, avoid muscle paralysis, depressed and restless with systemic weakness; Iron prevents iron-deficiency anemia, gastric ulcers and loss of appetite; And the trace element such as copper, zinc has to improve neurasthenia, insomnia and other symptoms, enhance appetite, improve the effect of weight.
2, promote human health: whole grains are the main source of human nutrition and energy, with the effect of maintaining health. Unsaturated fatty acids can soften cholesterol in blood vessels, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease; Soy protein can regulate calcium metabolism, enhance bone density and prevent the formation of kidney stones.
Dietary fiber can effectively slow down the absorption of sugar and fat, reduce the rising speed of blood sugar and blood cholesterol content after meals, which is of great help to diabetic and obese people.
3, prevention of tumor: legumes are rich in protein, amino acids and B vitamins, etc., have a good anti-cancer effect, often eat can prevent tumor lesions; Vitamin A helps cells divide in the body, prevents cancer cells from forming, and helps the immune system respond and improve immune resistance.
Rich dietary fiber can shorten the time waste stays in the intestinal tract, reduce the odds of carcinogenic substances and intestinal mucosa contact, is conducive to prevent constipation and colon cancer.
4. Help defecation and clear intestines: magnesium and iron contained in whole grains can enhance the energy and energy of the body and accelerate the metabolism of waste in the body; Rich dietary fiber has the function of water holding, adsorption of water molecules in the intestinal tract, make the volume of feces increase, promote food residue or toxins in the intestinal tract operation, and quickly discharged from the body.
5. Improve brain skills: protein in whole grains can enhance the excitability and inhibition of cerebral cortex, improve brain metabolic activity and enhance efficiency; There are also eight essential amino acids, such as lysine, which activates the brain, helping the elderly with memory loss and children with developing brains. Rich in phospholipid, the development of brain nerve, activity has a good effect, can enhance memory.
6, good for beauty and beauty: the vitamin A contained in whole grains can keep skin and mucous membrane healthy; Vitamin B2, can prevent acne; Vitamin E has anti-free radical function, can improve skin, delay aging; Other ingredients, such as fat oil, volatile oil, linoleic acid, can moisturize the skin, make it smooth and delicate; Amino acids, cystine, etc. can make hair black and beautiful; Unsaturated fatty acids can reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, promote metabolism to make hair easy to produce, prevent hair loss and baldness.
7, help slimming and shaping: some whole grains contain pantothenic acid, can release food energy, is an important component of fat metabolism; B vitamins also help the body burn energy; Rich in dietary fiber, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestive juices; Secrete, accelerate the body waste discharge, beneficial to thin body; Magnesium helps in the absorption of calcium and potassium, assists in the metabolism of sugars and fats, and maintains the body's acid-base balance.

Whole Grains,Wheat Flour,Whole Wheat Flour,Whole Wheat Pasta

XuChang Youjia Food Product Development Co., LTD , https://www.yjgrain.com

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