Fertilization of ammonium bicarbonate in winter and spring is better than urea

According to the experimental results of agricultural researchers, the effect of applying urea in winter and spring crops is not as effective as that of ammonium bicarbonate. This is due to the fact that after the winter and spring crops are applied ammonium bicarbonate, the crops grow fast and the loss is small, while the application of urea is slower and the losses are large. The specifics are:

1. The effect of ammonium bicarbonate is faster than that of urea: Since winter and spring temperatures are low, urea can not be directly absorbed and utilized by crops after it is applied to the soil, but must be catabolized by urease in the soil before it can be absorbed and utilized by crops after hydrolysis. The conversion process generally takes 10 to 12 days, which is not conducive to the early growth of strong seedlings of winter and spring crops; and ammonium bicarbonate can be directly absorbed without the need of this conversion process, so the fertilizer efficiency will of course come quickly. Therefore, regardless of whether winter and spring crops are used as base fertilizers or as top dressings, the fertilizing effect of iron bicarbonate is much faster than that of urea.

Second, the loss of ammonium bicarbonate is less than that of urea. Hydrocarbons are generally stable at temperatures below 15°C and have little volatilization losses. After being applied to soil in winter and spring, they are decomposed by ammonium ions and ammonium bicarbonate ions. Because ammonium ions are positively charged, they can be directly adsorbed by soil colloids (negatively charged) and then slowly released. They can be absorbed and utilized by crops in a timely manner. Therefore, the volatilization of fertilizers is not significant. However, urea is not the case. After winter and spring is applied to the soil, urea is dissolved in the soil solution in a molecular state and cannot be adsorbed by the soil colloid. This can easily result in loss of fertilizer.

To this end, it is recommended here that farmers' friends, in the winter and spring vegetables cultivation, in order to make vegetables for the city earlier, to seize the time difference and reduce the cost of cultivation, you are better to use ammonium bicarbonate. (Xue Yuhua)

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