There are seven methods for distinguishing old and new seeds

The old and new seeds can be judged by their intuitive experience through understanding the appearance and physical properties of various types of seeds. Its methods are:

See: See the seeds for some shapes, sizes, skin color to identify.

Listen: The bean seeds are shaken and shaken in their hands to listen to the crispness of their voices. The sound is crisp and their water content is low. Most of them are the seeds that have lost the germination rate. The sound is turbid, and the crisp germination rate is good and available.

Smell: The smell of the olfactory seeds can be distinguished from the new species or the Chen species depending on the taste of the seeds.

Pinching: Grab a handful of cucumber seeds. For example, many seeds stick to their hands and new seeds. If they are not sticky, they are old seeds.

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Grinding: Cruciferous oily seeds are placed on a plate and pressed with nails. After being pressed, they are loosened and their internal colors become red. The seeds have lost their germination power and cannot be used. They are rolled into cakes after rolling. The interior is pale green and the germination power is good.

Taste: taste with a bite tongue, mustard, snow vegetable seeds have a strong spicy flavor; cabbage, cauliflower, indigo seeds have a bitter taste; rape seeds have a sweet taste; cabbage taste is light, new species are more important than the old species, amaranth, Onion and onion seeds also have their own odor. Pepper has a spicy taste and sweet peppers have no pungency.

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