Cauliflower cultivation in summer and autumn

In summer and autumn, broccoli is cultivated in the high temperature environment throughout its growth period. It is required to pay attention to the selection of heat-resistant and disease-resistant early-maturing varieties. The main ones are: Qingong 60 days, Qingnong 65 days and Qingnong 70 days.


Preparation before nursery: Select a plot with a high topography, cool ventilation, energy irrigation, and fertile soil. Before the planting, deep dry and dry. Smash the clods, apply 100-150 kilograms of high-quality farmyard manure per screen, 0.5 kilograms of ternary compound fertilizer, and mix with the soil. It is about 1.3 meters wide and 6-7 meters long. Dig 30 cm in depth and 10-15 cm in depth between the rake and the rake. Connect the drain to the drain.

Seedling management: timely sowing on the arbours after sowing, shade nets can be made with plastic film made of small arches, anti-rainstorm, anti-exposure. However, cover film should not be tight, around the ground must be 20-30 cm from the ground, in order to facilitate ventilation and cooling, to prevent roasted seedlings. After the emergence of shading nets to be covered on time, generally sunny at 10 o'clock on the cover. At around 4 pm, the sky was not covered, and the film was temporarily covered with showers to gradually reduce the time of shading. Until a few days before planting, it was completely uncovered and the seedlings were planted. When the seedlings were watered together, the humus fine soil was thinly covered in the roots of the seedlings for 1-2 times to avoid exposure and lodging of the roots. The roots could be preserved, the soil temperature decreased, and the microclimate was adjusted. Seedling stage seedlings can grow the situation, topdressing 1-2 times thin human urine or urea, topdressing with urea should pay attention to immediately after the top watering, wash away the fertilizer on the leaves.

Field cultivation and management

Pre-planting preparation: Select fertile soil, can irrigation and row of blocks planted, should not be connected with cruciferous vegetables or re-planting, otherwise serious diseases and insect pests. According to the ditch width of 20 cm, the earthworms were planted with a width of 1 meter and a length of 10 meters. The planting hole was opened with a spacing of 40 cm and a spacing of 40 cm.

Colonization: Since early maturing varieties are planted in the summer, the whole growth period is in a high-temperature environment, the plants grow faster, and it is easy to spend early. The seedling age should be strictly controlled in about 20 days. When the seedlings grow to 4-5 leaves, they are watered the day before planting so that they will pocket when planting. In order to avoid the newly planted seedlings being injured by strong light and high temperature at noon, it is appropriate to colonize in cloudy or early evening. To raise the seedlings, the soil should not be scattered and the roots should not be damaged. Water immediately after planting. When water is dry, it should be watered every day for 2-3 days to ease the seedlings.

Field management: After dressing for the first time, the first topdressing will be carried out, with 15 kg of ammonium sulfate or 10 kg of urea, and irrigated with hydroponic water to promote the growth of rosette leaves. After pouring two times of water, plowing once. About 7 days after the second topdressing, 15-20 kg of compound fertilizer (45% of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compound fertilizer) per acre was applied, followed by watering, and then 1-2 thin fertilizers were applied depending on the growth of the plant.

Wearing leaf protection flowers: When the flower ball grows to 7-8 centimeters in size, adopt the method of protecting the flower ball by wearing a leaf to protect the flower ball, that is, stack the outer leaves, stick it with a bamboo stick, and cover the flower ball to ensure the flower ball. Color white, improve the quality of the ball.

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