Thin waist diet prescription

If people want to have a slender or handsome figure, they must first have a regular life and a balanced diet. Among them, if you are using science in your diet, you must check whether your diet meets the following guidelines.

A scientific diet

Balance and moderation are the basic contents of a scientific diet. Breakfast must eat well. Moreover, cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc. must be evenly distributed among three meals.

Second, small meals

After a large number of food intake, the body will secrete more digestive enzymes to promote digestion and absorption of foods that people eat. So the more you eat at each meal, the faster you are hungry. In turn, it eats less and has more meals, and it develops towards good ones.

Third, to avoid excessive intake of salt

So as not to cause heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, kidney disease, etc., 500 mg per day is enough.

Fourth, intake enough water every day

The daily amount of water that the body needs is 2000 ml, but it is not necessary to force yourself to drink so much water every day, but try to add as much as you can. Because the human body can also take part of the water from other foods, drinking water is intended to supplement insufficient moisture.

Of course, exercise is essential. But diet is more important while exercising. The organic combination of the two can achieve the ideal waistline.
The following is a thin waist diet prescription designed by Professor Wang Wenyuan, a balanced diet expert from the Military Balance Medical Center.

1. Drink 5-8 glasses of water daily (250 ml/cup).

2. Eat as much vegetables and fruits as possible.

3. Eat less fat, pigs, sheep, beef, etc., do not eat fried foods.

4. Soy products replace chicken, duck and fish.

5. Drink less or not, especially beer.

6. Follow the principle of eating well and eating small meals.

7. Eat seven full meals a day, especially if you want to eat less at dinner, do not eat anything within three hours of bedtime and go to sleep with hunger.
8. Do not eat sugar and any sweet drinks.

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