Mental dietary points

Mental workers are often overworked. In order to maintain long-term health, they must pay attention to their own health care. In addition to paying attention to psychological adjustment and participating in exercise, dietary conditioning is also an important aspect.
When physically and mentally exhausted, it is advisable to selectively eat foods that restore energy and physical strength, such as peanuts, cashew nuts, almonds, walnuts rich in B vitamins, vitamin E, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, and calcium, iron, etc. Wait for dried fruit. You can also choose to eat foods rich in protein, moderate heat, and can protect the liver and kidney function, such as sesame, strawberries, soup, lean meat and so on.
If you continue to use your computer for too long, your eyesight is most likely to be impaired. At this time, should eat more carrots, animal liver and kidney, red dates and other foods rich in vitamin A, in order to reduce the consumption of the photoreceptor rhodopsin on the eye retina, is beneficial to protect eyesight. Drinking more tea is also very effective in restoring and preventing vision loss, and can reduce the harm caused by the computer screen radiation on the human body.
If you work in the office for a long time and have less chance of sun exposure, you should eat more foods rich in vitamin D, such as marine fish, edible clams, chicken liver, and egg yolk.
When people's psychological pressure is high, the body's consumption of vitamin C is more than 7 times more than usual, it should eat more foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus, tomatoes, cauliflower, spinach and so on.
When you need to eat a late-night snack, you should eat foods that are easy to digest, moderate in calories, rich in vitamins and protein, such as porridge, pork noodles, egg soup, and oyster sauce. Be careful: Do not go to bed after eating, otherwise it will damage the gastrointestinal digestive function; nor should you overeat, otherwise it will be easy to sleep.
When accompany guests to eat more than wine, they should eat more foods to prevent drunkenness, such as fish, meat, eggs, cheese and so on. It is also possible to drink a glass of milk before drinking, both to form a protective film on the stomach and to reduce the degree of intoxication.
When you are upset, eat calcium-rich foods. Calcium is involved in the release of neurotransmitters and the conduction of nerve impulses, which has the effect of stability. Calcium-rich foods include dried small shrimps, bone soup, milk, sesame paste, and soy products.

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