Chewing tea dregs teeth

Drink the remaining slag of tea, many people "one fell." As everyone knows, this is a waste of a "natural toothbrush." Just put a small amount of tea leaves that have been soaked into the mouth and chew it for one minute, spit it out, and then rinse the mouth with clean water, which will provide a cleansing effect. Perseverance can achieve the effect of preventing and treating oral diseases such as periodontitis.

However, it should be noted that the time for chewing tea is preferably 1-2 minutes. Because the tea slag is also rich in tannic acid, it is easy to combine with food to form tannic acid protein and form precipitates that affect the absorption of protein, iron and vitamins and other nutrients in the gastrointestinal mucosa. In addition, too much tannic acid can cause constipation, so "only chewing and not swallowing" is the best way.

Drinking tea depends on your constitution and chewing tea leaves is the same. Green tea has good heat and detoxification properties and is suitable for those with hot body mass. This type of person is often accompanied by constipation, bad breath, red tongue, and yellow tongue coating. The black tea's tea slag property is relatively warm, suitable for chills, cold, cool hands and feet, white tongue devoid of cold physique use.

Fresh Garlic has been used as both food and medicine for thousands of years. Fresh garlic contains many nutrients, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, protein and vitamins B and C. Try to use it on a daily basis to achieve the greatest health benefits.

For fresh garlic  ,there are two varieties of garlic: one is Normal White Garlic (with some purple stripes on the skin of the bulbs) and another variety called Pure White Garlic (or snow White Garlic) which does not have any purple stripes on the skin. 

Normal White Garlic

Pure White Garlic

Fresh Garlic

Fresh Garlic,Fresh White Garlic,Preserving Garlic,Natural Garlic


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