Boil is not always healthy

“Boiled” is a cooking technique for Cantonese cuisine. It uses boiled water or soup to cook the raw food. Many people think this is the healthiest way of cooking. However, according to Hong Kong’s “Ming Pao” report, the survey found that many restaurants and even families use a lot of oil and salt when they are scorching, which not only increases the physical burden, but also loses more nutrition.

Song Xin, nutritionist at Chaoyang Hospital, Beijing, pointed out that many vitamins are water-soluble, and they are susceptible to high-temperature damage. Dipping too long will destroy nutrition, so boiledness may not be the best. Frying off with less oil is better than blanching, which can shorten heating time and reduce nutrient loss.

“Whatever cooking method is, the key is to control the weight of seasonings such as oil and salt,” said Yu Renwen, a senior nutritional catering chef at the General Hospital of the Beijing Military Region, who is currently a member of the Culinary Committee of the China Cuisine Association. , Incense, taste and taste, even if it is boiled, there must be a spoonful of oil before serving, so that food "looks good", but at the expense of the health of consumers. When cooking at home, in order to avoid excessive intake of fat, use a small amount of olive oil, peanut oil, etc. to "burn." Song Xin said that vegetable foods are best left to cool to maximize the preservation of nutrients in vegetables. But not any food is suitable for salad, such as purslane and other wild vegetables, or to pick it up, in order to completely remove dirt and insects; beans, mushrooms, etc. are not suitable for cold, easily lead to food poisoning, even if mixed, must be cooked .

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