Eat soy soy

Soybeans and soy products contain extremely rich essential nutrients, such as 8 kinds of amino acids and important trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc. Soybeans contain flavonoids and phytohormones. It was confirmed that soybeans not only have anti-cancer effects, but also can coordinate human endocrine functions to prevent multiple diseases.

First, anti-cancer anti-cancer. The isoflavone compounds in soybean have good control effect on the occurrence and development of breast cancer, prostate cancer and other cancers. Soybean has a significant preventive effect on menopausal elderly women with breast cancer.

Second, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. The elderly are prone to osteoporosis. Therefore, old men and women are prone to fracture. If women use hormone replacement therapy in the first few years of menopause, bone loss can be prevented. Animal experiments show that the high-quality protein contained in soybean can promote the formation of bone. The results of human experiments also prove that the high-quality protein of soybean can increase the density of bone in a short period of time, thus promoting the robustness of bones.

Third, can effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Arteriosclerosis, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, and coronary heart disease are diseases that seriously threaten and endanger the lives of the elderly.

Eat soy and soy products, can effectively prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, thereby enhancing physical fitness, longevity and longevity. Generally eating 50 grams of high-quality soybean protein every day, you can get moderate or high levels of isoflavones, 6 months later can reduce the elderly (including menopausal women) risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.

Fourth, it can prevent menopause syndrome. Menopause is the beginning of women's entry into old age. This period of women's heat, flushing and senile vaginitis are all due to the decline of ovarian function. Therefore, eat soy and soy products, such as tofu, meat, soybean milk. Soybeans are rich in cellulose. In the intestines, it seems that "scavenger" can remove harmful substances in the intestine, maintain smooth stools, regulate heat energy in the body, and maintain blood sugar balance. It is of great significance for prevention and treatment of obesity and diabetes in the elderly. It can promote the vitality of vaginal cells in postmenopausal women, thereby improving the health of older women.

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