Winter Management of Dongkui Yangmei

The winter management of Dongkui Yangmei is one of the two key periods of the year. So be serious.

First, the purpose and importance of winter management

1, to promote further strengthening the tree vigor, flower bud development.

2, can inhibit the growth of spring shoots. Because Dongkui Yangmei has a strong growth potential. If spring shoots prosper, it will form a large number of falling flowers and falling fruit. Therefore, we must complete the management of the spring ahead of winter. In this way, the nutrient of the tree can be regulated in the winter, which reduces the nutrient supply to the bud in the spring and thus can inhibit the germination of the spring shoot.

3, clean the canopy and gardens, remove the source of diseases and insects overwintering, can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases in the following year.

4, for the tree sulfur sulfur. Because of sulfur and calcium nutrients, the tree development, shoot growth, and

All aspects of fruit development have a good effect. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to supplement calcium and supplement calcium in the winter.

Second, the period of winter management

In the past, according to the experience of many fruit growers, the winter management period of Dongkui Yangmei was set to November to the Spring Festival. In recent years, due to the high temperature in November, fear of early winter management will prompt the winter shoots to germinate and consume tree nutrients.

It also affects the development of flower buds on spring shoots and summer shoots. Therefore, according to the temperature during this period, it is flexible. If the temperature in November has been reduced, it can be carried out; if the temperature in November is still high, it should be postponed until December to the Spring Festival (as long as you have had dinner, Dongkui Yangmei will not engage in winter management work.)

Third, the work content of winter management

(a) cut twigs, not cut large branches. And only cut standing and dense twigs. It is required that the trees of strong tree vigor be sheared first; the tree body of the golden mean tree should be hand late; the tree body of the weak vigor should be carried out last. It was completed on the day before the Spring Festival.

(b) Shi Dong Fei. To grasp the following principles:

1, the amount of fertilizer principle: strong tree power of the tree can not fertilize. The Tree of the Moderate Tree has less fat. Weak tree vigor needs a little more fertilizer.

2, the principle of the period: the period of winter fertilization early and late because of the strength and weakness of the tree vigor and the size of the crown, ie: the tree of the tree of the doctrine of moderate do first; and the tree of weak tree or young unfruitful tree can be carried out late.

3, Fertilizer type: the result of the tree fertilization only use potassium sulfate, without three elements mixed fertilizer. Young unsuccessful trees can be mixed with three elements.

(C) curettage of cancerous diseases: requirements: the Ministry of disease scraping, silkworm, sword, armor, punishing, phlegm, silkworm, silk, fresh, tincture, Xialiangliang, 02, antibacterial agent, 100 to 200 times liquid.

(4) Spraying high concentrations of lime sulfur: Requirements:

1. Use high-quality lime sulfur; do not substitute inferior or other substitutes.

2. The spraying period is completed from late December to late January. The temperature is high in the early stage, and it is 3 degrees in Baume; the temperature in the latter stage is low, and the Baume 5 degree liquid is used.

3, winter spray lime sulfur, not only spray on the leaves, branches; but also the ground, the channel, the park can be fully injected.

4, to choose and warm sunny spray, do not spray at low temperatures when frozen, so as not to be frozen leaves.

5, to be sprayed every day from 9 to 11 o'clock and from 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

6. Do not mix with other pesticides, nutrient solutions or growth regulators.

(e) Clearing weeds in gardens and gardens, cleaning up fallen leaves, and burning in winter.

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