Tea tree cutting seedling raising technology

Short-spike sowing of tea plant is the most commonly used method for the breeding of tea clones. Its advantage is that the cultivated tea seedlings are pure and germinating. I combined with the actual situation in the local area and the application of new technologies and new materials for the breeding of current crop varieties in production, summed up a set of effective tea seedling raising techniques and introduced them as follows.
First, the ear of the mother to manage the number of the ear and the quality of the quality of the decision depends on the level of the management of the level of the millet, in order to improve the quality of seedlings must be cultivated for the mother of the shearing garden, only to develop a strong mother tree, In order to have a healthy and full of cuttings, it is possible to breed high-quality tea. The quality of the cuttings depends on the cultivation and management of the cuttings. The high-quality cuttings require that the branches accumulate sufficient nutrients. Pests and diseases, therefore, the management of the ear-sprouting mother garden is more demanding than the general production of tea gardens.
1. Tree vigor training: First of all, choose a healthy tea garden with high purity, good growth, and few pests. The newly-built mother garden must be re-mown. Generally, a well-growth mother tree is cut horizontally at a height of 30 cm from the ground. The mother tree that is less mature than the old one can stand 5 cm above the ground. When pruning it horizontally, care should be taken. Removal of twigs to increase the ventilation of the canopy, so that the concentration of nutrients, is conducive to the growth of new shoots to cultivate thick cuttings.
2. Fertility management in the Mori Garden: After the pruning of the Sap Garden, in October, with the help of deep-turning and soil amendments, the basal fertilizer was reused, mainly organic manure, and organic manure was added. Generally 250-400 kg of cake fertilizer per acre, 30 kg of urea, open deep trenches. The location and depth of the fertilization ditch may vary depending on the growth of the tea tree, and should generally be 30 cm deep along the projection line outside the tea tree crown. Fertilizer applied three times a year, for the first time in the first half of the spring bud germination, applying 70 kg of nitrogen per acre; the second time in late May and early June, the third time in late July and early August, each applying 40 mg/mu - 50 kg, with a 10 cm deep ditch. After shearing, the basal fertilizer must be re-applied in order to restore the growth of the mother tree.
3. Pest control: The mother garden must pay special attention to the monitoring and inspection of pests and diseases so that they can be prevented and treated in a timely manner.
4. Remove flower and fruit: If buds and young fruits appear in the mother garden, they should be removed in time. There are two ways to remove flowers and fruit: First, manual removal; Second, spraying 500PPM ethephon inhibits the growth of flowers, causing flowering and fruit drop.
5. Picking the top in time: Suppressing the top growth advantage, forcing the new shoot to stop growing, and promoting the water quality of the tender stem. For the time of topping, it is generally better to select 10 to 15 days before cutting to ensure that there is a certain length of new shoots and the water quality of the new shoots.
Second, the nursery to prepare to choose to shelter from the sun, loose soil and fertile, PH value between pH 4.5-5.5, adequate water, irrigation and drainage convenience, flat terrain, convenient transportation of the garden, paddy field as a nursery. It is advisable to disinfect the soil first. For the fungicide, 500 grams of Dixon and 500 times of carbendazim can be used.
To establish a nursery program:
1. Frequently, there are places around the livestock that need to be surrounded by fences to prevent damage.
2. In addition to the net weeds, deepen the top soil layer 25-30 cm deep and flatten the soil.
3. When choosing a dry land, it is necessary to arrange drainage and irrigation facilities, conditional sprinkler irrigation can be installed, water is guaranteed throughout the year, and energy can be discharged. The nursery must not be located in a place that is easily flooded.
4. The setting of the arbour is one of the important measures related to the success or failure of the cutting. The scaffolding method is based on a high shed. The pillars are made of cement pillars or trunks. The height is 240 cm, and the soil is buried in 50 cm. The distance between the pillars is 4 m X 4 m. The tops are stretched and straightened with 8-10 iron wires. Wire shade is about 50% of shading nets. Compared with traditional shading, such as bamboo shading, shading nets have the advantages of convenient operation, uniform light transmission, good ventilation and air permeability, less pests and diseases in seedlings, less weeds, and seedlings. It is growing fast and the overall cost is not high.
5. Seedbed preparation: The direction of the seedbed: It is advisable to use long-western things, wide north-south, so as not to shoot too much sunlight from the side. The width of the seedbed is about 120 cm, which is too inconvenient for management. The general dryland has a height of 15 centimeters, a paddy field of 20 centimeters, and a gutter (aisle) of 20 centimeters in width to make full use of the land. At the time of cockroach, attention should be paid to crushing and looting the weeds and weeds.
6. Shi Jifei: The nursery must re-supply basal fertilizer to meet the growing needs of seedlings, and at the same time reduce the workload of topdressing. Normally, the persimmon spreads evenly (stacked) 400-500 kg of chicken fat or chicken manure, superphosphate. Or 20 kg compound fertilizer, and mix well with the soil.
7. Spread on: Choose a well-structured, loose soil with good ventilation and red and yellow soil (no top soil) laid on a seedbed. This soil is less pathogenic and does not infect cuttings, which will facilitate the healing of cuttings and cuttings. Avoid overgrown weeds. The thickness of the soil is about 10 centimeters, and the heart and soil will be flattened. Use a wooden board (100 centimeters long and 10-15 centimeters wide) for proper tightening. This will help stabilize the soil and close contact with the soil. It will heal and take root. The thickness of the earth and soil is maintained at 5-6 cm, because if the soil layer is too thin, the cuttings are easily exposed to the fertilizer, cuttings rot and not heal. If the soil layer is too thick, it will not only increase the earth load, but also increase the cost. It also affects root growth.
8. Film Coverage: Covering with plastic film has the ability to retain water and grass, which greatly reduces labor. However, the mulching of plastic film should pay attention to shading, must not be covered, the mulching of plastic film and the requirements of seedbed should be closely followed, and the contact between cutting and soil should be sufficient, otherwise the survival rate will be affected. Due to the mulching of the plastic film, the ground temperature can be increased to 25°C or more, so that the rooting of the cuttings is 10-30 days earlier.
Third, cutting and cutting seedling cuttings is the most critical part of nursery, it determines the success of nursery and the quality of tea.
1. Cutting season: Zhejiang tea region can generally use spring and autumn cuttings in one year, spring in the second and third months, and autumn in late autumn.
2. Cuttings of the cuttings; the middle shoots of the shoots reserved by the ear-sucking mother garden are reddish-brown, and the water quality of the tissues begins to grow. The axillary buds are swollen or germinated. When the leaves are mature, the cuttings can be cut and cut, and the cuttings cut one axillary bud. , A true leaf, a cutting ("three ones") of the internodes (about three to one), about 3-4 cm in length, the internodes are too long to be easily exposed to the base fertilizer of the seedbed, resulting in burning seedlings, rotten seedlings; internodes are too short and the soil is too little , It is not conducive to healing rooting, and it is very easy to be blown by the wind, affecting the survival rate, the incision is 45 degrees better, leave 2-3 mm pile on the petiole, generally about 500 kg of acres required.
3. Cutting hormone treatment: Plant growth hormone treatment cuttings can promote rooting, many units of the test showed that the use of indole acetic acid 500PPM, indole butyric acid 1000PPM, 2,4-D, 50PPM, increasing yield 30PPM and other auxin, impregnated and coated Tea cutting base can promote rooting and improve the survival rate.
4. Cutting methods: cuttings spacing is about 2 cm, spacing is about 8 cm, depending on the length of the leaves, the leaves do not overlap is appropriate (the front row of leaves can not cover the back row of buds, otherwise it is not conducive to the growth of tea buds), each There are 220,000 to 250,000 strains per acre. When the cuttings are inserted, the thumb and the index finger sandwich the petioles at the top of the cuttings. Generally two thirds of them are inserted into the soil, and the buds are exposed to the soil surface. Along the row of cuttings, the soil near the cuttings is compacted so that the cuttings are in full contact with the soil. When cuttings, the leaves should be arranged in a downwind position;
Fourth, the management of cutting seedlings
1. Moisture: In the early stage of cutting, no new roots were produced in cuttings, and the soil should be kept moist, but it should not be too wet, and water should not accumulate. Generally within 40 days after the intervention, each morning and evening watering once, rainy days, cloudy days can not be poured or less poured.
2. Shading: Shade from September to October, and then divide it into 2-3 times. Gradually reduce the cover until one month before leaving the garden to complete the covering.
3. Dressing: After cuttings for 1–3 months, the hairy roots and roots grow. Since the roots are light and few, the base fertilizers are not absorbed. Therefore, after the new shoots are cooked, they should be top-dressed in a timely manner. Second, first diluted and concentrated, alternating use of chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers." For the first time, 5% of human urine or 0.5% ammonium sulfate or 0.25% urea can be applied. Later, as the root system develops, the tea grows and the fertilizer concentration can gradually increase. When the seedling height is 15-18 cm, the available sulfuric acid per acre can be applied with 2-2.5 kg of flush water; fertilization should be carried out on a sunny evening or cloudy day. Avoid the use of ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium chloride, ammonium bicarbonate can easily hurt the tea seedlings, chloride ammonia with chloride ions on the tea seed poisoning. In the later period, 1000 to 1500 kg of composted manure can be used per acre, and 100 kg of plant ash can be used. After fully mixing, spread it and apply it.
4. Weeding and bud removal: Take care not to harm the tea seedlings when weeding the grass. Drip the grass immediately after weeding. The flower buds and young fruit should be removed in time to avoid consumption of nutrients.
5. Insect pest control: 1 The main pest control: the larvae in the young larvae period with 50% of phoxim EC 1500-2000 times liquid spray; fleas with 50% bromocrete EC sprayed 1200 times; Classes and black locusts were sprayed with 10% imidacloprid 2500 times; leaf curlers were sprayed with 80% dichlorvos 600-800 times. 2 Main Diseases and Diseases Prevention: Use 70% pentachloronitrosolic powder for tea white peony disease, spread soil surface, use 1-2.5 kg per acre, loosen the soil after application, and mix the powder evenly into the soil. 10-15 days interval, and then spread 1 time; stem blight with 0.7% lime half Bordeaux fluid control, in addition to the soil between the rows of tea in the five-nitrochloric stupid, a dosage per acre -2.5 kg, loosen the soil after application, and then apply the pesticide once every 10-15 days; Bacteria use 0.7% Lime half Bordeaux fluid or 80% Zeinze wettable powder 600 times Control; bud blight with 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 1000 times or 80% dexamethasone WP 600 times control.
6. The standard of tea seedlings is 30 cm in height, about 0.4 cm in stem diameter, green leaves, no pests and diseases, branches, and well-developed roots. You can leave the nursery and get enough water before leaving the nursery. Soil and beaten the shipment.

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