Biological characteristics and high-yielding cultivation techniques of black fungus

I. Overview

Black fungus is also called fungus, light fungus, cloud ear. Classification belongs to Basidiomycetes, Tremellae, Fungus, Auricularia. There are about ten kinds in this genus, such as black fungus, hair fungus, wrinkled fungus, felt covered fungus, horny fungus, shield fungus and so on. These kinds of fungus only light fat fungus, tender and delicious, there are mountains and treasures.

The black edible fungus has a long history in China and was already known and used by the working people. It was recorded in Zhou Li, which was more than 2,100 years ago. It was recorded in the Qi Min Yao Shu by Wei Jiasi. , it is recorded that the use of edible fungus processing method of fungus. The "Tang Bencao Note" written by Su Gong and others in Tang Dynasty also recorded the tree species and methods used to produce fungus at that time. The Ming Dynasty medical scientist Li Shizhen recorded in the “Compendium of Materia Medica”: “The edible fungus was born on top of dead wood.... [Smell] Gan Ping... [Indications] Qi is not hunger, and light-hearted, strong-minded... Duan Duzhi is... Leakage in the collapse, the blood under the blood." It can be seen that in addition to the use of fungus as a delicacy in ancient China, there has been considerable research on the medicinal properties of black fungus.

According to modern scientific tests, every 100 grams of fresh black fungus contains 11 grams of water, 10.6 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of fat, 65 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of cellulose, and 5.8 grams of ash (in ash, including 375 milligrams of calcium, Phosphorus 201 mg, iron 180 mg); In addition, it also contains a variety of vitamins, including 0.031 mg of pro-vitamin (carotene), 0.7 mg of B vitamins (including B10.15 mg, B20.55 mg), Vitamin 217 mg, divitamin (protopine) and liver sugar. Therefore, black fungus has rich nutrition and delicious taste.

The role of black fungus drugs: suitable for moisture strong, Qingfeiyiqi; blood and blood circulation, postpartum weakness and numbness hand, foot and leg numbness embolism, at the same time, because the black fungus is a glial mushroom, the fruiting body is rich in glial, for humans The digestive system has a good smoothing effect. It can remove accumulated foods and indigestible fiber-containing foods in the stomach and stomach. At the same time, the effective substances in black fungus can be absorbed by the body and can play a role in clearing the lungs and lungs. Therefore, it is also a health food for light textile workers and mine workers. one. According to a study conducted by the University of Minnesota Medical School, regular consumption of black fungus can reduce the body's normal blood clots and prevent cardiovascular disease.

China's black fungus ranks first in the world in terms of output or quality. It is China's fist export commodity. It is sold both at home and abroad. It enjoys a high reputation in Southeast Asian countries. In recent years, it has entered the European and American markets and has a high swap value.

Second, the biological characteristics of black fungus

Black fungus is a kind of glial bacteria belonging to the fungus door, which is composed of two parts: mycelium and fruit body. The mycelium is colorless and transparent. It is composed of a number of tubular mycelium with transverse septae and branches. It grows in dead wood or other substrates and is a vegetative organ of black fungus. The fruiting body is produced on the surface of wood or culture material, is its reproductive organ, and is also the edible part of people. The fruiting body is like a small ring at birth, and in constant growth and development, the body stretches into a wavy shape. The abdomen is concave and smooth, with veins, the back is raised, and the edge is slightly rolled up. The whole shape resembles the human ear. Get its name.

The mycelium develops into a fruiting body at a certain stage. When the fruiting body is fresh, it is gelatinous, translucent, dark brown, and elastic. After drying, it shrinks into keratin, the ventral surface is smooth and black, hard and sparse, and the back is dull in color, with short hairs, which can still be restored after absorbing water. Fruiting bodies produce spores (seeds) at maturity. The spores are colorless, transparent, sausage-shaped or kidney-like, and smooth. After they are mature and dry on the ventral surface of the ear, they spread through the airstream and propagate its offspring.

Black fungus is a kind of saprophytic fungus. It does not have chlorophyll and it does not produce food itself. It depends on organic matter in other organisms as its nutrient. At the same time, it lives in rot and must live on dead organisms. Its mycelium has a strong ability to decompose the cellulose and hemicellulose in the organism and it can finally smash the organism.

The spores of black fungus were germinated into hyphae under suitable conditions, or conidia were formed, and the hyphae were regenerated by the germination of conidia. As the mycelium continues to grow, branches are gradually generated, and a transverse septum is formed in the branches, developing a tubular villus mycelia, which is a mononuclear mycelium, with only one nucleus in each compartment. This mycelium formed by the single spore germination has positive and negative distinctions between different sexes. This mycelium is called a primary mycelium or a primary mycelium. After merging two apical mycelial apical cells of two different sexes to form a binuclear cell, the binucleated cells develop into a nuclear hyphae through a lock-like joint. At this time, the hyphae continue to grow and develop, and a large number of branches are produced to spread to the deep part of the organism, absorb a large amount of nutrients and moisture, prepare for further development into fruit bodies, and once the conditions are ripe, produce the seeds on the surface of the organism. The physical base.

Third, the external conditions required for growth and development of black fungus

During the growth and development of black fungus, the external conditions required are mainly nutrition, temperature, moisture, light, air and pH. The factors that have a greater impact here are moisture and light.

1. Nutrition: The requirements for the growth of black fungus are mainly carbohydrates and nitrogenous substances, and a small amount of inorganic salts is also required. The mycelia of black fungus grow and develop a variety of enzymes (enzymes) in the process of growth and development. As a result, it has a strong ability to decompose firewood or culture materials. Where the mycelium spreads, it decomposes to where it passes through decomposition. To take the nutrients needed to supply the needs of the fruiting body. We use firewood for the cultivation of edible fungus, especially the cultivation of fungus from the Qinggang tree on the sunny slope. We can avoid nutrient problems because the nutrients in the trees are generally sufficient to meet the needs of growth of fungus. If you choose to use sawdust or other substitutes cultivation, to add a small amount of gypsum, sucrose and potassium diphosphate, etc., to meet the growth and development of black fungus on the nutritional needs. The nutritional supplements are added once and twice, referred to as “first supplementation”.

2, temperature: black fungus is a type of temperature-type fungi, its mycelium can grow and develop between 15-36 °C, but the best between 22-32 °C. It is suppressed below 14°C and above 38°C, but the black fungus mycelium in firewood has considerable resistance to short-term high temperature and low temperature. The fruit body of Auricularia auricula can be formed and grown at 15-32°C, but the wooden ear with a height of 22-28°C is large, thick and of good quality. Grown meat grown above 28°C is slightly thin, yellowish in color, and of poor quality. Although the fungus grown between 15-22°C is thick, dark and of good quality, the growth period is slow and affects the yield. Hyphae need to be cultured at a high temperature, and the temperature of the fruiting bodies needs to be lower, which is referred to as "first high and then low."

3. Moisture: Moisture is one of the important factors for the growth and development of black fungus. The black fungus mycelium and fruit body need a lot of water in the growth and development, but the requirements of the two are different. Under the same suitable temperature, the mycelium develops and colonizes faster under low humidity, and the fruit body is high. Wet conditions develop rapidly. Therefore, at the point of seeding, it is required that the water content of the ear stick is 60-70%, and the water content of the substitute material medium is 65%, which is favorable for the development and establishment of the mycelium. The growth and development of fruiting bodies requires high moisture, but the combination of wet and dry, but also according to the temperature level, appropriate to spray, when the temperature is appropriate, the relative humidity of the cultivation field air can reach 85-95%, like this The physical growth is relatively rapid. When the temperature is low, do not give too much moisture, otherwise it will cause bad ears. The mycelial phase should be dried; the fruiting bodies should be moistened. That is, "dry and wet first."

4, light: black fungus ancestors rot life, light on the mycelium did not have much of a relationship, in the light of the dark environment, hyphae and fruiting bodies can grow. However, the light can promote the formation of the primordium of the fruit body of black fungus, and ear buds can exhibit strong ears under certain direct sunlight. According to experience, when the ear field has a certain amount of direct light, the fungus that grows is thick and dark, but there is no direct light in the ear field. The fungus grows, the meat is thin, the color is light, and it lacks elasticity. It is not robust.

Although black fungus has strong ability to withstand direct light, it must be given an appropriate humidity, otherwise the ear piece will shrink, dry and stop production, affecting production. Therefore, in the production management, it is best to create a kind of "flower sunshine" for the ear, and to promote the rapid development and growth of fruit bodies. In the dark, the hyphae can form fruit body primordial but not open. When there is a certain amount of scattered light, it opens and forms a fruit body. That is, "first dark after the Ming."

5. Oxygen: Black fungus is a kind of aerobic fungus. During the formation, growth and development of mycelia and fruit bodies, oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2) activity is continuously carried out. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly protect the air flow in the ear (indoor) to ensure the growth and development of black fungus for oxygen. Prevent depressing environment and avoid the spread of ear and germs. Hypha growth, less aerobic, fruit body growth requires a lot of oxygen, that is, "weak before strong."

6, pH (pH): black fungus suitable for living in a slightly acidic environment, the best PH value of 5.5-6.5. The use of ear sticks to cultivate fungus is seldom considered this factor, because the ear stick has been sun-dried and it has already formed a slightly acidic environment. However, this is a problem that cannot be overlooked in the isolation of strains, the cultivation of strains, and the cultivation of substitute materials. The output of the medium (material) must be adjusted to an appropriate level. When the material is cultivated, it is first adjusted to the appropriate alkalinity side, and natural fermentation can achieve the most suitable degree. In short, "first alkali after acid."

Fourth, the production of black fungus strains

In the cultivation of edible strains, we call the “parent species” the mycelium that is separated from the black fungus and the rod, and expand the mother species to the sawn medium for cultivation. The resulting hyphae is called “original”. "The species", and then breeding the original species into cultivars for production.

Production of species (cultivar) culture medium for the kind of fungus.

Formula A: branches (green hill branches) 70 pounds, sawdust 18 pounds, bran 10 pounds, sucrose 1 pound, plaster 1 pound, water amount.

Formulation B: 10 pounds of cotton, 70 pounds of sawdust, 18 pounds of bran, 1 pound of sucrose, 1 pound of plaster, and adequate water.

Method of preparation: In addition to the branches, first soak the shoots with 70% sugar water for 12 hours, remove the wood bran and pour it in a well. Then mix the remaining 30% sucrose and gypsum with water and sprinkle it with water. In addition, the remaining production methods are the same as those of the production mother.

Fifth, black fungus cultivation

1, ear stick cultivation

(1) Tree selection: There are many trees suitable for growth and development of black fungus. However, in order to adjust to local conditions, tree species rich in local resources and easy to grow long-eared fungus are used. In addition to tree species such as turpentine, essential oil, alcohol and ether, and economic trees, other tree species can be cultivated with fungus. At present, the common tree species are Quercus variabilis, Mosquitoes, Eucalyptus, Echinococcus fuliginea, Rice bran, Pterocarya stenoptera, Liquidambar formosana, Eucalyptus, Robinia pseudoacacia, Willow, Eucalyptus, Farnesia, and Pistacia chinensis. However, it is best to use cork oak and paralysis.

(2) Cutting down trees: The historical custom is to “pump in nines” to cut down trees. Generally speaking, it is possible to cut trees from the yellow leaves to the new leaves before they sprout, because this period is the “dormancy” period of trees, and the nutrients in the tree stems are positive. It is in a stagnant state, with less water, and the most abundant and concentrated nutrients. This is called cutting the tree. At the same time, the cut tree, bark and xylem combined tightly during this period, the bark is not easy to remove after cutting, which is conducive to the growth and development of black fungus.

The felled trees were born on the sunny slopes of 7-8 years and were born on shady slopes or in poor soils for 8-10 years. The thickness of the tree stems is the best at 10 cm and the length is 1 meter. One 50.

The method of felling requires that the earthworm be kept low, 10-15 centimeters higher than the ground, axe from both sides of the tree pole, and detained as a "crown crow's mouth". This will be beneficial to the old tree tweeting technique and will not be stagnant. Buds will not sprout more buds and affect tree renewal, and they will advocate convulsions at the time of cutting and do not advocate brooms, which will not only help protect the saplings, but will also help water and soil conservation.

(3) Branching: After the tree is cut down, do not cut the branch immediately. Retaining the branches and leaves can accelerate the evaporation of the tree's moisture, prompting the tree stem to dry quickly, causing the cell tissue to die, and at the same time, facilitating the nutrient on the treetop to be concentrated on the trunk. . Wait for ten days and a half months before doing the sticking. When ticking, use a sharp machete to flatten the trunk from the bottom up and cut it into “copper coins” or “bull eyes”. Do not cut too deep and injure the cortex. After the cut, it is best to use lime. To prevent the invasion of bacteria and accumulation of water, but also easy to pile on stage.

(4) The interception bar: In order to facilitate the stacking, positioning, erection, management and harvesting of the ear sticks, and at the same time, it is convenient to absorb moisture when the ear sticks are put down, a long stem should be cut into 3 feet long. Short stick. When cutting, use a hand saw or a chain saw to cut the head and apply it with lime water to prevent bacteria infection.

(5) racking the sun: Selenium is a good cut off the sticks, the choice of terrain Gaozao, ventilation, sunny place, piled into a high about 1 meter "well" shape or "fish-shaped" pile, so it is very Lose water quickly. In the drying process, every 10 days or so, it is turned up and down once, to promote even drying of the ear stick, shelf drying time, according to the tree species, the thickness of the ear stick and climate conditions and other flexible control, the general shelf For 1 month to 1 month and a half of time, the ear sticks lose 3-4 percent moisture before the sun exposure and can be inoculated.

(6) Ear field selection: The place where ear racks are emitted is called the ear field. The quality of ear environment is directly related to the growth and development of black fungus and its final production. Generally speaking, it is best to choose a mountain sheltered from the wind in the south of the north. This place has a long day of sunshine and a small temperature difference between day and night. It is often covered with clouds and fog in the morning and evening, with high humidity and air circulation, which is most suitable for the growth and development of black fungus. When selecting the field, it should be close to the water source, which is conducive to artificial rainfall. The gradient should be 15-30 degrees, and should not be selected in the stone, chalk, or shovel soil.

After the site is selected, it should be cleaned up, thinning dense trees inside the site, and cutting shrubs, thorns, and perishable weeds, leaving only a small number of tall, broad-leaved trees with small crowns or less dense foliage. In summer, it is appropriate to shade the ears. Before the cultivation, insecticides are applied to the ground, and bleaching powder, quicklime, etc. are used to disinfect once; in the winter, firewood is best used to burn the field. The ramensis, turf, and moss on the site should not be eradicated to prevent soil erosion and keep the ear wet.

(7) Inoculation: Inoculation is to plant the cultivated hyphae to the ear sticks in the sun, so that it can be established in the ear sticks and grow out of fruit bodies. This is the key to artificial cultivation of black fungus. A process is a major technological innovation in production. It has quick results and high output.

When vaccinating, firstly sterilize the ear field and the ear canal (use disinfectant or fire to burn it, disinfect the tools with alcohol or boiling water, wash it manually with soapy water. Select a cool place, do not let the sun shine directly on the bacteria, avoid It's raining.

Inoculation time, generally from February to early May, can be carried out between autumn and winter. When inoculating, depending on the species, use different tools, such as twigs and triangular wood species; cut the mouth with axe, put the sawdust and twigs or triangular wood together into the cut, gently tighten with the axe, and do not Shedding is the principle; Sawdust, grain seeds, can be drilled with a 10 mm hand drill, drilling machine or hollow punch drilled, the bacteria into the hole, covered with a bark cover, gently tighten.

The density of point species, the general spacing of 2 inches, 2.5-3 inches of plant spacing, arranged in "product" shape or staggered into plum shape can be. The density of both ends of the ear stick is large, so that the mycelium can quickly occupy the position and prevent the invasion of bacteria. The depth of the seed is to penetrate the bark and enter the xylem for 3-4 minutes.

(8) Settling on the top of the pile: on the pile, it is to maintain proper temperature and humidity, so that the mycelium will germinate, colonize, grow and develop quickly in the ear stick. This is an important step for successful vaccination. The method is: first select the site of the pile, remove the weeds, sprinkle a little insecticide or bleaching powder, dig into the soil, and then push the well-inoculated rods flat and pile them into a “well” shape or “fish back”. "The shape can be, piled high 3 feet, that is, tightly covered with plastic film, around the earth with pressure, sprinkle a circle of insecticides to prevent ants piled on the heap to eat mycelium. The heap temperature should be maintained between 22-32°C and the humidity should be maintained at 60-70%. If the temperature is too high, the surrounding film can be lifted and the primary air can be pulled down to lower the temperature. Every 10 days or so Once a turn, a full turn up and down inside and outside. Keep the temperature and humidity of the inner ear rods uniform. For the first time, it is not necessary to sprinkle water on the piles, and each time you flip it, sprinkle water once. If you have the opportunity to receive rain, it is better. About a month or so can be planted.

(9) Stacking and stacking: After the ear sticks are planted on the top of the pile, the hyphae have grown out of the ear sticks, so they can be piled up. The purpose of the podium is to allow the ear stick to absorb moisture, to accept the natural sunshine and rain and fresh air, change its living environment, let it quickly adapt to the natural world, prompting the mycelium to further spread within the ear stick, from the growth phase Into the development stage. The method of ostentation is to tile the ear stick on the ground, and the body should not be aerially attached to the ground. Each pitch is 2 fingers. It is best to have some slopes in the venue so as not to flood the pool with rain. Turn over the stick every 10 days or so, that is, put the original side of the stick upside down, and turn the original side upside down so that the ear sticks absorb moisture evenly and prevent wet bacteria. About 1 month old ear buds are clustered and stand upright.

(10) Stand management: When ear buds are covered with ear sticks, it shows that the growth and development of mycelium has entered the solid phase. At this time, the external conditions of “dry and wet and wet” are needed. After the stand can meet its needs. , And can reduce those bacteria and pests that do not adapt to this condition. The method of the stand is to use a long rod to make a beam, two ends are supported by a forked tree twig, and then the ear bars are leaned against the cross beam to form a “human” shape with a spacing of 2 inches. Each rack was calculated with 50 bars.

The post-shelf management work is very important. As the saying goes, "three minutes and seven minutes", "there is income and confiscation is the kind of income, and income collection is less and less depends on management", which explains the importance of management.

Management work mainly includes removing long grass, germs, pests, regulating temperature and humidity, air and light. At noon in the summer, try to avoid strong light directly on the ears. In the winter, you should put down the earbuds to make it stick damply and keep warm. This will encourage early germination and early earing in the coming year.

(11) Harvesting and drying: After the fungus grows, it must be picked and picked up carefully to ensure a bumper harvest. Spring ear and autumn ear should be selected to stay small, so that the small ear grow up and then pick, Volt to pick the size of the same, because the temperature is high, insect pests, bacteria multiply, will make the mature ear eaten and worms Drop it. Picking ear time, preferably when the ears are closed after the rain, or when the morning dew does not dry ears when the tide is soft. When harvested, they should be diluted on the sunbath and dried in the hot sun for a while. When the sun is drying, it should not be turned over so as to avoid causing fists and ears. In case of rainy days, we should first adopt a method of grabbing and rushing to collect the wet ear that was collected back to dry thatched grass or dried edible fungus. Let the thatch or dried fungus absorb a part of the water, then move it out after sunny and dry it together. . If you do not catch up, you can use plastic film to catch the ears, do not make the long-growing fungus continue to rain and draught, resulting in loss of flow rods.

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