Comprehensive prevention of pepper dead trees

At present, the authors found that the phenomenon of dead stems in greenhouses grown in greenhouses is mostly root rot, phytophthora root rot, stem rot, and blight, and the incidence of bacterial wilt is less. In fact, in order to reduce or avoid the above-mentioned diseases, vegetable farmers should start from the seedlings and do prevention work.
In this issue, Yang Guangming, a vegetable hospital of Songtai Village, Sunjiaji Street Office, Shouguang City, will recommend an effective method for the treatment of dead pepper plants for reference.
1. Choose aseptic seedlings is the key. If the main root or root tip is browned when planting, it is best not to use “small old seedlings”, and it is best to choose strong young seedlings with yellowish-white roots, fibrous roots, and dense roots.
2. Choose a good method of colonization. The appropriate method of planting should be selected according to the local soil properties. For example, sandy loam soil should be selected as the best plant; viscous soil should be selected as half-slope planting; the planting depth should be the same with the seedling Tuo Tuo and the ground.
3. To avoid fertilizer rooting. Although vegetable farmers are familiar with common knowledge of vegetable cultivation, they often use large amounts of chicken manure in long-term solanaceous cultivation. If the chicken manure is not sufficiently cooked, it will occur in the soil after pouring water. Subsequent fermentation and the production of harmful gas burns the roots of pepper seedlings, leading to infections.
4. Drug treatment of the soil. It is recommended that the soil of the greenhouse be mixed with the three agents of the exoskeletal (thiophanate-methyl) and thiram plus rububa prior to the colonization of the seedlings, each using 1.5 kg per mu. Specific operation: The above-mentioned medicaments are used twice. The first medicament is applied to the planting trench for the first time, and when the seedlings are cultivated the second time, the other half is evenly spread on both sides of the plant.
5. Reasonably water. Many years of production experience have proved that high soil moisture is the most fundamental factor in the occurrence of root diseases in pepper. Therefore, reasonable watering is also one of the key measures to prevent the infection of pathogens. Therefore, the author suggests that the first colonization of water must be thorough, which is conducive to the proliferation of seedlings. New roots to shorten the period of seedling sowing. After the seedlings are slowly watered, the soil in the sheds should be kept dry and damp. The phenomenon of water accumulation in the fields is strictly forbidden; when there are sporadic diseased plants in early spring, care must be taken not to flood the land, otherwise there will be destruction. The possibility of a shed; Rainwater must not be poured into the shed during the rainy season.
6. Control of greenhouse temperature can also effectively prevent root diseases. The winter greenhouse cultivation of greenhouse peppers should try to improve the temperature of the greenhouse, and the shade net must be covered during the summer cultivation to reduce the light intensity and reduce the evaporation of the temperature and moisture in the greenhouse.
7. Reasonably choose drug prevention and treatment. It is recommended that vegetable farmers take preventives from seedlings at the seedling emergence stage, and they can choose to expose 800 times the finest fruit and 1000 times the mixed spray; or choose 800 times the spray of rurububa. In addition, most vegetable farmers only spray the liquid evenly in the leaf area of ​​the pepper, often neglecting the stem, and the above-mentioned diseases occur precisely at the base of the stem of the pepper. At the base of the plant stem.

The nutrition value of chicken claw is very high, contain rich calcium and collagen protein, proper intake not only can soften blood vessel, have beauty effect at the same time, the general population is edible. The chicken claw, the muscle, the gum is large. It is often used for cooking soup and also for halogen and sauce. For example: Chicken Feet, chicken feet. The thick and rich texture can also be cooked and removed from the bone, such as: the chicken with pepper and the broken bones, both crisp and delicious.

Chinese medicine believes that chicken claw flavor gan, sexual ping, non - toxic. The efficacy and function of chicken claw are mainly reflected in its therapeutic value. Often eat chicken feet, not only can make up calcium, play the role of strong tendon, still can beauty skin care. Chicken claw can eliminate edema, improve immunity, lower blood pressure, buffer anaemia, beneficial growth development.

The chicken claw is not only suitable for wasting, the immunity is low, the memory drops anaemia, edema and other symptoms of the people, the growth and development of children. It is also suitable for dizziness, fatigue, lethargy, tinnitus, and dizziness. Skin mucosa and fingernail and other colors pale, physical activity after feeling qi, osteoporosis, heart palpitation symptoms.

The chicken claw is compact and elastic, the chicken claw has high nutritional value and contains the calcium and collagen protein needed by the human body. I especially like eating food with bones, the meat on the side of the bone is special, and the chicken claw is one of my favorites. The secret chicken legsof chicken feet is also diversified. Today, we recommend a chicken claw, special flavor.

Special Cooking Chicken Feet

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