Simple production of bacterial fertilizer

1. Soybean milk: 500 grams of soybeans, 1 kilogram of soya bean, grind into pulp after immersing in water, filter out impurities, add 50 kg of fresh water, stir and spray, and make the mushroom white and tender, with thick legs. 2, salt fertilizer 150-250 grams of salt, into the 50 kg of water dissolved after stirring dissolved, can make mushroom color white, mushroom body thick and good. 3, yeast fertilizer 25 grams of pure yeast powder, add 50 kilograms of water spray after stirring, can increase the number of mushroom body, to promote mushroom body robust. 4, glucose fertilizer to take 500 grams of glucose powder, add 25 kilograms of water, spray after melting, is conducive to increase production. 5, mushroom root will wash the mushroom stalk, add water, submerge mushroom stalk, boil for 20 minutes, the residue filter residue, plus 7-10 times the water spray. 6, chicken manure chicken manure 5 kilograms, add water 20 kilograms, boiled juice, add water 100 kilograms, spray 0.5 kilograms per square meter. 7, spinach juice fertilizer will be fresh spinach, add a little water smashed, with 3 layers of gauze filter juice, diluted to 500 times, after spraying two months began spraying, spraying 15 ml per square meter. 8, pine needles fresh pine needles 1 kg, add boiling water for 20 minutes, to the slag juice, add water to 15 kg, spray bed. 9, plant ash leaching liquid fertilizer 2 kg of grass ash, add water, 20 kg, soak for 24 hours, filtered juice and water to 100 kg, 0.5-1 kg per square meter. 10, Taomi Shui Tao Tao Mi Shui 100 kg, clear the supernatant, add 1 kg of glucose, mushroom 3-4 days after spraying, spraying 2 kg per square meter. China Agricultural Network Editor

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