Hydroponics processing method

A. Alkali-burning method will be used to sprinkle the food powder into the pot of water, using both hands to turn the horseshoe up and down, and rubbing and rolling the edge. Under the action of the alkali powder, the blisters will shrink gradually and become smaller, and then they can be rinsed completely. .
Second, the sun will be used to wear blister with wire, suspended directly in the sun exposure.
Third, the wine boring method can be poured into a pot filled with water, can be submerged in water, and then sealed and sealed for about half an hour. The blisters are drunk and washed with water and dried.
Fourth, water scalding method will be concentrated in the basin into the blisters, will suddenly pour boiling water, to submerge the water blisters 2 fingers to 3 fingers is appropriate, until about 20 minutes after the blisters die, you can remove and wash, put on a clean Where the sun.
When processing leeches, the following issues should be noted: 1 Select the method of water heating in the drying should be selected sunny, this is because the cloudy days can not be exposed to the sun, water filth perishable odor deterioration, such as sudden rain, can not be exposed, it should be placed on a fire with iron Bake dry. 2 The dried blisters should be sealed in plastic bags to prevent them from getting moldy.

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