Firewood eggs, gift boxes, firewood eggs

Chai eggs must have three elements:
1. Chicken breeds must be local area chickens;
2. There must be a vast area for the chickens and must be kept in a free range;
3. The supplemental diet of the chicken cannot contain any antibiotics and hormones.
Therefore, some breeders of high-producing hens are free-ranged, or caged with caged chickens, and even adding a large amount of antibiotics and hormones to the feed to promote high-yield eggs cannot be counted as real firewood eggs.
Benefits of Chai Eggs on the Human Body 1. Lecithin, triglycerides, sterols, and yolk in chicken brain puzzle eggs have a good effect on the nervous system and physical development, which can delay the mental decline of the elderly and improve memory.
2, protect the liver protein in eggs have a repair effect on liver tissue damage. Lecithin in egg yolk can promote the regeneration of hepatocytes, increase the amount of human plasma proteins, and enhance the body's metabolic and immune functions.
3, prevention and treatment of arteriosclerosis According to the emulsification of lecithin in the egg yolk, American nutritionists and the use of eggs to prevent atherosclerosis, obtained a surprising effect.
4, cancer prevention eggs contain more vitamin B2, can decompose and oxidize carcinogens in the human body. Trace elements in eggs, such as selenium and zinc, also have anti-cancer effects. Japanese scholars have found that eggs also contain EB virus that inhibits laryngeal cancer and lymphoma proliferation.
5. Delaying the aging of eggs contains almost all the nutrients the body needs, adhere to the right amount of eggs, is one of many longevity years of experience.
Compared with ordinary eggs, real firewood eggs have smaller eggs (usually between 42-53 grams), but they have much higher nutrient content than regular eggs, and they are rich in immune factors and have higher nutritional value. It is the ideal egg product. Ordinary cage chickens have an egg production rate of 95% and an annual egg production of more than 300 eggs. The chicken production rate is only about 30%, which means that each chicken needs 3-4 days of nutrition to produce a small egg, and the number of eggs produced per year is very difficult to exceed 100 pieces. Thick and thick hair, nutrition is relatively abundant.

Gu Yue Tai Diao wine is a sweetish wine. It combines the characteristics of Jiafan wine, Shanniang wine and Xiangxue wine. Dark red, and it lingers to the wall when swirls in the glass. Shaoxing's famous scenic spots and historic sites, such as Lu Xun's hometown and Xianheng Hotel, make Taidiao wine more famous. The wine is mellow and sweetish, suitable for the general population.

Tai Diao Yellow Rice Wine

Shao Hsing Wine,Gu Yue Yellow Rice Wine,Diao Wang Yellow Rice Wine,Tai Diao Yellow Rice Wine


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