Feeding the mother goose with "Three Looks"

See lyrical feed. The goslings are over-fat, and a large amount of fat deposits around the ovary and fallopian tubes, which affects the production and operation of egg cells, and reduces the egg production. The goslings are too thin, lack of nutrition, and the egg production is naturally low. Overweight geese only need to properly reduce or stop the feeding of concentrates. The breeding goslings should appropriately increase exercise or grazing. For overweight geese, they should increase the amount of protein in the diet and pay attention to increase the protein content in the diet. Feed 1 to 2 at night. Secondary fine material. Look at fecal feeds. If the excrement of goose is large, loose and strips, and the surface is shiny, it can be divided into several segments by gently toggle, indicating that nutrition is suitable and digestion is normal. If the discharged excrement is small and solid, the color is black, and the cross-section is granular after gently toggle, indicating that the amount of concentrated feed is too much and the amount of green roughage is too small, the amount of concentrated feed should be reduced, and green roughage should be added. If the feces is light in color and unshaped, it means that the amount of concentrated feed is insufficient, there is too much green feed, and the nutritional level in the feed is too low. Look for egg-shaped feed. The demand for protein, carbohydrates, and fats for laying geese is twice as high as for egg-laying geese and more for minerals and vitamins. In general, egg-laying geese total 150-300 grams per day and night. Insufficient nutrient intake by egg-laying geese results in thinning of eggshells and variation in egg shape. In this case, it is necessary to add protein-rich feeds such as bean cakes, peanut cakes, and fish meal to increase the protein content of egg geese to 22%, increase the daily feed volume to 300 grams, and appropriately add mineral feeds.

The non-invasive/high-flow integrated ventilator (BPAP-HE) is a non-invasive ventilator, a high-flow respiratory humidifier, or a high-performance humidifier.
The non-invasive ventilator mode of this product can be used for adult patients who do not rely on invasive ventilation support, such as respiratory dysfunction, to provide ventilation assistance and respiratory support;
Products with high-flow heating and humidification mode can be used for humidification and oxygen therapy for adult patients with spontaneous breathing.


BPAP HE,Non Invasive Vent,Niv Breathing Machine,Non Invasive Ventilation Machine

Shenyang RMS MEDICAL TECH CO.,LTD , https://www.medicalrms.com

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