Lantern delicious gluttonous

On the fifteenth day of the first month of the Yuan Dynasty, reporters saw on the market that in addition to conventional fillings, new fillings such as jelly filling and bacon filling enrich the Lantern Market. However, Yuanxiao is not suitable for everyone. The reporter interviewed Mr. Wang Yun, director of the Capital Health Nutrition and Food Society, who reminded that the elderly, infants, and the convalescent should eat less or even not eat.

According to Wang Yun, Yuanxiao is rich in nutrients and its main ingredient, glutinous rice flour, contains nutrients such as fat, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, riboflavin, and niacin. At the same time, its conventional stuffing is mainly based on fruit and dried fruits, including sesame seeds, walnuts, and peanuts. Together with vegetable oils, the nutritional value is “more upstairs”. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine has traditionally viewed Yuanxiao as a supplement, blood transfer, spleen, and appetizer, and modern nutritionists also highly praised Yuanzhang's health care function.

However, if Yuan Fei eats too much, he will also get sick. Wang Yun explained that this is because glutinous rice can be used to revitalize the diet, but the resulting cake, such as Lantern, is delicate in texture and should not be digested by the stomach. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" has long been documented that sticky rice is sticky and hard to make. "Materia Medica Everywhere" also said that if glutinous rice is made of sticky bread, sex is difficult to transport and the patient does not eat. Therefore, Chinese medicine advocates that the elderly, children, and patients who recover from serious illnesses should better eat less food.

These people are not suitable for food

[Diabetes sufferers] The sugar content of Yuanxiao is relatively high. If patients are greedy for taste, the blood glucose level will rise sharply, which will not only aggravate the condition but also induce ketoacidosis.

[Patients with ulcers] Eating Yuanxiao can promote the increase of gastric acid secretion and aggravate the irritation of ulcers. In severe cases, it can induce gastric bleeding and gastric perforation.

[Gastrointestinal Digestive Dysfunction] Yuanxiao is made from glutinous rice flour, which is sticky and difficult to digest. After eating, it can cause stomachache, bloating, belching, acid reflux, and even diarrhea.

[In patients with acute gastroenteritis] The patient's gastrointestinal tract is in a state of congestion and edema. The patient should eat rice soup, lotus root starch, and other easily digested foods. Eating Yuanxiao will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

[High fever patients] The patient's gastrointestinal tract is at a relatively depressed state during fever, so it is important to eat easily digestible food such as liquid foods, otherwise it will worsen the condition.

[Hypertensive, hyperlipidemia and gout patients] These patients have the risk of aggravating the condition of eating quails, so it is advisable to eat less.

[prolonged illness recovery] At this point, although the patient's appetite improved, but the digestive function is still weak, excessive consumption of Lantern is not conducive to rehabilitation.

[Old and Infirm] These people have reduced digestive function and teeth loss, especially the elderly who are relatively insensitive to swallowing, may cause larvae to swallow due to rapid swallowing, resulting in breathing difficulties and even suffocating death.

[Infants and young children] pediatric digestive function is weak, swallowing reflex has not yet developed, so when you eat the Lantern Festival can not eat the whole, to be divided into 1/4 to eat, eat a second and then eat a second mouth. Be sure to chew it slowly to prevent any accidents.

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