The function and function of seaweed

1, seaweed contains a lot of iodine can significantly reduce blood cholesterol, regular food is conducive to maintaining the function of the cardiovascular system, so that the blood vessels are full of elasticity, thus ensuring the normal supply of skin nutrition.

2, seaweed rich in methionine, cystine, can prevent the skin dry, often eat but also make shiny dry skin, oily skin can improve oil secretion.

3, seaweed rich in vitamins, can maintain healthy growth of epithelial tissue, reduce pigment spots.

4, anti-virus, anti-cancer anti-cancer: seaweed extract proteoglycan can fight a variety of viruses, including HIV and carcinogenic RNA virus.

5, to prevent leukemia: alginate can be combined with radioactive elements insoluble in vitro excreted, so that the body will not cause leukemia and so on.

6. Lower blood pressure: Higher doses of seaweed (0.75 g/kg) do not have significant and long-lasting antihypertensive effect on anesthetized dogs. Aqueous agents are stronger than expectorants. Sodium alginate, such as large doses, can also temporarily lower blood pressure in animals. (A moderate amount causes a short rise in blood pressure).

7, anti-thyroid hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) contained in seaweed iodine can be used to correct the lack of thyroid function caused by iron iodine, but also temporarily reduce the metabolic rate of hyperthyroidism and reduce symptoms, but not lasting, only as a preoperative ready.

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