Causes of soil-borne diseases in grafted eggplant

In order to solve the serious problem of eggplant soil-borne diseases and difficult to control, in recent years, the eggplant grafting cultivation technology has been promoted and good results have been achieved. However, in the production, some grafted eggplant plants still have soil-borne diseases such as Verticillium wilt, and some of them have an incidence of more than 10%. Field surveys have shown that the cause of some plant diseases is due to improper operation of certain technical links in production. To sum up, there are several reasons that need to be taken into account in future production.
The main causes of the disease after grafting:
1. Improper selection of rootstock. At present, the main source of grafted eggplant for eggplant is red capsicum, CRP, and Tolubam. Among them, CRP and Toluubam are high-resistance rootstocks, and Cabernet Franchaceae itself has 10% to 20% of the plants in cultivation. Infected with Verticillium wilt. However, the growth rate and growth rate of red eggplant are similar to that of scion, which makes it easy to be accepted. Therefore, it is easy to use Verbena oleracea as a grafted rootstock to cause Verticillium wilt.
2. Seed carrier. Both Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporum can adhere to the seed for wintering. After germination, the seed with pathogenic bacteria was found to have invaded into the plant body after encountering suitable conditions, and it became pathogenic after colonization.
3. Nursery bed soil bacteria. Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporum mainly include hyphae, chlamydial spores, and pseudo-sclerotia with winter wheat in the soil. The pathogens in the soil can survive for 6 to 8 years, which is the main source of primary infection. When cultivating panicle sprouts, the nursery bed soil generally uses garden field soil, even if the selection of field soil, because some solanaceous plants of weeds can also be infected with Verticillium wilt and blight, resulting in soil bacteria. The germs in the nursery soil can directly invade the seedlings and become pathogenic when the conditions are appropriate.
4. Grafting wounds touch the soil. When some vegetable farmers grafted and cultivated, high-resistance rootstock varieties were used, and seed and nursery bed soils were disinfected, but in the middle growth period, soil-borne diseases still occurred. Through field investigation, any plant that has a soil-borne disease has its grafting interface buried with soil or the plant fallen to the ground. The grafted interface has contacted the soil, and the grafted interface has had very few incidences without touching the soil. Most of the soil-borne diseases are invaded by wounds in the base of the roots and stems. The grafted eggplant plants, due to low rootstock retention time during grafting, deep planting, soil cultivation, lodging, etc., make the grafting wounds come into contact with the soil and create opportunities for pathogen invasion.

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