Duck Captive Management Technology

1. The advantages of captive breeding (1) The environmental conditions can be controlled, and fewer factors are subject to natural constraints, which is conducive to scientific duck raising and stable yield and high yield. (2) Save labor and improve labor productivity. General grazing and feeding, a labor force can only manage two to three hundred ducks, and labor intensity; using captive methods, such as feed arrived at the scene, one person can manage 1,000, greatly improving labor efficiency. Labor intensity has also been greatly reduced, and women and the elderly can afford it. (3) Reduce the incidence of infectious diseases and reduce accidents such as poisoning. Captive contact with the outside world is low, so the chances of infection with pesticide poisoning and infectious diseases are reduced when compared to grazing, thus increasing the survival rate. 2. The grouping and density of captive ducks The size of captivity for young ducks may vary, but the composition of each duck group should not be large, and about 500 should be appropriate. When grouping, the same age, the same size, the same variety, and the same gender should be used as much as possible. The rearing density varies with the age of the duck, the season and the temperature. Generally, it can be grasped according to the following criteria: 20 to 12 per square meter for 4 to 10 weeks of age, 12 to 12 per square meter for 11 to 20 weeks of age, and low temperatures in winter , can be more than a few square meters per square meter, Xia Li temperature is high, few per square meter appropriate, ducks grow faster, the density is slightly smaller, the duck grows slightly slower density. 3. Feeding captive ducks differs from that of complete grazing. Basically, they do not eat any wild feed and rely solely on artificial feeding. Therefore, it is necessary to satisfy the various nutrients required during the growing period of young ducklings, especially the nutrition required for long bones and long feathers. Feed should be diversified as much as possible to maintain the balance of energy and protein so that sulphur-containing amino acids, various vitamins, inorganic salts, etc. are all available. During the cultivation period, the content of protein in young ducks and diets does not need to be high, and the calcium content must also be appropriate. Since ducks and ducks have not yet established a perfect breeding standard, in practice, depending on the specific conditions of growth and development, the necessary nutrients shall be added or subtracted as appropriate. Such as egg-type breeds Shao duck, the normal age of the opening account is 130 to 150 days, the standard opening weight of 1400 to 1500 grams, if the weight exceeds 1500 grams, it is considered too large, affect the timely opening of the account, should be slightly limited feeding Feed quantity, feed more appropriately green feed and roughage. For ducks with poor growth and light weight, feed quality should be properly improved. The average daily feed amount per day can be controlled at about 150 grams, plus a small amount of animal fresh feed to promote growth. The feed of young ducks is all mixed with powder, without corn, rice, wheat and other single raw grains, to be processed into mixed feed after crushing. Add appropriate amount of fresh water before feeding and mix it with wet shake. Feed 3 to 4 times a day. The interval between feedings should be as equal as possible to avoid starvation and inequality during feeding. 4. Management points for captive young ducks (1) Appropriately strengthen exercise to promote the development of bones and muscles. To prevent over-fertilization, regularly rush the duck to do circular motions in the house every day, every 5 to 10 minutes, 2 to 4 times a day activities. If there is a suitable pasture area near the duck house, a short distance grazing activity can be conducted regularly. (2) Contact more with the ducks to increase the guts of the ducks and prevent panic attacks. The young ducklings are small and the egg breeder nerves are particularly sensitive. In the youth, they need to use feeding, water feeding, grass exchange, etc. to have more contact with ducks. For example, when feeding, people can stand next to observe feeding conditions and allow the ducks to walk around in their own way. When the “Jiao Duck” is lying beside him, it can be touched by hand. Over time, the duck will not be afraid of people. If ducks are thought to be scared and afraid of people and avoid closeness, the more they avoid being gutsy, they are still afraid of people when they grow up, encounter strangers when they approach, or when the environment changes, it is easy to panic and cause serious losses. This is the duck in captivity. Different from grazing ducks. Grazing ducks experience a variety of environments and are bold, but circling ducks must be consciously trained to improve their guts. (3) Lights for overnight lighting, low light lighting. During the cultivation of young ducks, there is no need for strong lighting. The daily light time is required to be stable at 8 to 10 hours, and it should not be increased before the start of production. If natural light is used, autumn ducks cultivated in the following half year are most suitable. However, in order to avoid ducks drinking at night and prevent rats or animals from walking around, they should use low-light lighting. For example, a 30-square-meter duck house can spot 1 盏 15 watt light bulbs. In the event of a power outage, the kerosene lamp (the lantern) with a glass cover should be immediately put on the spot and must not be delayed. The ducklings that have been exposed to low light for a long time will experience serious panic and cause casualties in a sudden dark environment. (4) Strengthen the prevention of infectious diseases. There are two major infectious diseases during the young duck period: one is duck plague and the other is cholera. Both kinds of pain are vaccinated (bacterins) can be prevented, the specific arrangements for immunization procedures: 60 to 70 days of injection of a cholera vaccine, 100 days before the injection of a bird cholera vaccine; 70 to 80 days of injection 1 duck weak vaccine. For ducks raised for only 1 year, they should be injected once; ducks with more than 2 years of use should be injected once every 1 year. Dysentery and the prevention of cholera infection. All must be completed before the start of production, enter the peak period of production, as far as possible to avoid catching ducks and injections, so as not to affect the production of eggs. (5) Establish a stable system of work and rest. The living environment of the garden ducks is more stable than that of grazing ducks. It is necessary to formulate operating rules based on the habits of the ducks, regular schedules and routines. After forming the daily routine, try to maintain stability and do not change it easily.

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