Artful Tiger

Commonly known as earthworms, silkworms, cutworms, and night robbers, they are common and important pests in spring planting seedlings. Here are a few simple and effective methods of killing: Earthworm eggs destroy the cotton seedlings of the ground tiger, used to produce eggs in the fields of soil and dry straw. According to this rule, the hatching rate of eggs can be greatly reduced when the ground tiger spawns until the hatching period, timely ploughing of cultivator, or stepping into the field. Tongliao larval larvae have tropism towards paulownia leaves. When the crop is found to be victimized, older paulownia leaves may be taken and soaked with fresh water and then placed in the field in the evening, 80 to 120 tablets per acre, opened the next morning. Foliage captures larvae, the effect is very good; If paulownia leaves are first soaked in 90% crystal trichlorfon 150 times liquid, then put into the field, can directly kill tiger larvae, efficacy lasts for 7 days. After the grass larvae larvae exceed the third instar, their resistance to disease increases, and the ground spraying often has difficulty in receiving the desired effect. The grass can be used for trapping, that is, fresh grass is evenly piled in the field in the evening, with 100 piles per acre. Pile area of ​​about 0.1 square meters, open the grass in the early morning the next morning to kill insects, so for 5 to 10 days, you can kill most of the larvae. The poisonous weed killing method uses 30 to 40 kilograms of fresh weed per acre, first cuts into small pieces of about 2 cm, and then mixes 90% crystals of trichlorfon 50 grams or 2.5% of trichlorfon powder 500 grams and mixes them in the evening. Shi, both have good results.

Most Tattoo Needles are made of some grade of stainless steel. Surgical stainless steel

is very common in tattooing needles. There are four main types of needle groupings. Some have one

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by professional tattoo artists around the world and are highly recommended. Below is a general

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Redtop Tattoo & Piercing Equipment Co., Limited ,

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