How to choose the remaining rice species

The method of chip selection selects varieties with high purity and no contaminants. The crops are well-ordered and no pests are found. After the plots are determined, the pests are removed, and the diseased plants, inferior plants, roots, plant heights, and leaf types are completely removed. The traits of panicle, awn, and tip color that are inconsistent with the original cultivar should be removed and weeds should be removed at the same time. Generally, it should be carried out 2 to 3 times. After ripening, it should be harvested individually, singles, and then stored for the next year. The method of panicle selection is best performed before and during the harvest, when the rice is in a field with high purity and good cultivation and management. According to the characteristic characteristics of the varieties, the typical ear with uniform uniformity, effective tillering rate, no disease and insect pests, resistance to lodging, live stalk maturation, good maturity, and large spikes were selected to prevent the trend of selecting large spikes. Put the selected ear of rice into a barn, hang dry, and thresh store separately, and leave it as the next year's seed. China Agricultural Network Editor

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