Key Techniques of Wintering Management of Agaricus bisporus

The mushroom development in our city is very fast, but the wintering management technology of the mushroom bed is lacking. In order to increase the yield of mushroom, as long as the mushroom bed also has the value of mushroom production, it should be overwintering management, otherwise the soil layer will be too dry and the mycelium will shrink and age. After the spring, it is not only difficult to transfer water, but also hyphae are not easy to restore vitality. Even the best fungus bed is difficult to obtain high yield of spring mushroom. We believe that the following technologies should be grasped: 1 A burping measure should be taken for the bacterium bed to improve the air permeability of the bacterium bed, remove the bad gas in the bacterium bed and the metabolites of the harmful mycelium, and make the bacterium bed and mycelium get the opportunity of rejuvenation and rejuvenation. Snoring requirements and practices: Use bamboo sticks or sharpened fine wood sticks or pointed steel bars to poke holes upwards from the bottom of the bed of bacteria. The hole distance is 12-15cm. It is advisable to loosen the soil to loosen the floor. Apply a thin film to prevent the top layer of culture material from falling onto the underlying bed of bacteria. 2 Spraying water and fertilizer The climate in winter is dry. The water in the bacteria bed is still evaporating slowly. To prevent the bacteria bed from drying out and affecting the normal metabolic activity of the hyphae, the mushroom house should generally adopt the wet and winter method. In the mushroom house that has been used for the winter, the water content of the mushroom bed should be checked during the winter, and the moisture should be taken care of. If necessary, water should be sprayed properly. In the winter, mushroom house spray should be matched with topdressing and no water should be sprayed. If the growth of mycelium is weak, you can spray Jianxin prime and 1% glucose water, or 0.25% urea plus 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate water spray. If the growth of mycelium is normal, pigs, cattle, and human urine dilutions should be good, and water spray should be appropriate at noon on sunny days. Room temperature below 0 °C should not be topdressing to prevent mycelium from freezing damage. During the winter, spray 1-2 times of 2% lime solution to adjust the pH of the soil. 3 Insulation and ventilation In winter, the temperature is low, and the viability of mycelium is obviously weakened. In order to maintain the slow growth of mycelium, the mushroom house must strengthen the insulation work. The temperature should be 3-4 °C, and should pay attention to a little ventilation. 4 bacterium bed finishing bacteria bed finishing includes loose soil, old root removal, rejecting waste, and soil filling. Before finishing the bacteria bed, it is necessary to stop the water and increase the ventilation so that the fine soil moisture can be dried up, so that it is not easy to crush the soil when the loose soil is turned, and it is completed on a bed-by-bed basis. After finishing, we must combine water spray, top dressing, and cover fine soil (with fine soil 6-7kg/m2 to protect the growth of regenerated mycelium). The bacteria bed should also be treated specifically for specific conditions. A kind of bacteria bed should be simple to deal with, first in the soil surface evenly sprinkled with lime powder, the amount of 13kg / square meters, followed by short nails Panasonic fine soil, and then the soil within the old mycelium, dead mushroom pick clean, Then arrange the bed surface and make up the fine soil. For the second type of bacteria bed, the fine soil should be scraped to the side first, and then bamboo sticks or tooth forks should be inserted into the soil to shake the coarse soil, and the net yellow mycelium, old mushroom root, and aging non-renewable dry fungus should be selected. Cable, then shoot flat soil, covered with fine soil, and evenly sprinkle with lime powder, 15kg per 100 square meters, and then add a new fine soil. You can also sprinkle a small amount of freshly prepared culture material on the coarse soil, and dig some strong white mycelium from the bottom of the culture material as a strain, broadcast on the new material, and then cover the fine soil, and then spray once on the bed surface. Water or lime clarifier. 3 to 5 days after spraying, make up a fine layer of soil. In addition, do a good job mushroom house, the ground to keep clean, change the lime powder on the ground, the walls can be plastered with lime slurry 1 times. The insecticide solution was sprayed every 20 days to reduce the number of wintering diseases and insects. Until the coming spring, control the temperature and adjust the water, so as to stabilize the high yield. Shandong Heze Technology Development Center Ren Yufeng Gemin China Agricultural Network Editor

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