Spring 7 kinds of millet porridge against 7 diseases

Long mouth sores, diarrhea, vomiting, insomnia, imaginary colds ... ... millet "beats" can get. Guangdong Provincial Hospital of liver disease specialist Chi Xiaoling recommended spring health to drink millet porridge. Millet is known as glutinous rice or millet, sweet, salty, cool, with spleen and stomach, tonic deficiency, and kidney, heat, detoxification effect. Combining Xiaomi with different food ingredients and congee soup can prevent seven common diseases.

1. "Ophiopogon Millet Porridge" cures aphtha

Practice: 200 grams of millet, Ophiopogon 15 grams, jujube 5 pieces. Millet panning clean, Ophiopogon japonicus, jujube panning clean, together into the casserole, boiled into porridge, there are spleen Qi, Yang Yin Qingwei effect.

2. "French Pinellia millet porridge" against nausea and vomiting

Practice: 150 grams of millet, French summer (French Pinellia) 6 grams, 3 slices of ginger. Faxia, ginger, two flavors and 800 ml of water, the fire boiled low heat boiled for 30 minutes, to slag juice to spare. Millet was washed clean, add the above concoction, add appropriate amount of water, boiled into porridge, warm clothes. There is the role of spleen and stomach, Jiangni vomiting.

3. "lily millet porridge" against beriberi

Practice: 100 grams of millet, 30 grams of lily. Millet is washed cleanly, and the lily is washed. Put it in a casserole, add appropriate amount of water, and boil it into a porridge. Spleen Yin, athlete's foot effect.

4. Xiaomi Shanyao porridge against spleen deficiency and diarrhea

Practice: 200 grams of millet, 150 grams of yam fresh (dry goods 30 grams). Washed on the two flavors, add appropriate amount of water, together boiled porridge Serve, qi and spleen, stop leaking effect.

5. "Brown sugar millet porridge" prevention of postpartum blood deficiency

Practice: 200 grams of millet, red dates 10, 15 grams of red peanuts, 15 grams of brown sugar. Millet wash clean, red dates washed to the core, peanuts washed, the three flavors together into the casserole, add the appropriate amount of water, the fire boiled, low heat boiled porridge, until the porridge cooked, add brown sugar, boil 3 ~ Serve in 5 minutes. Benefits of Qi, nourishing blood and tonic.

6. "Slightly white millet soup" governance virtual cold

Practice: 100 grams of millet, light blue 6 segments, 3 slices of ginger. Millet plus appropriate amount of water, boiled into porridge, take the upper porridge oil, add light blue, ginger, boil a moment Serve. The back cover was sweated, which has the effect of qi.

7. "Xiaomi lotus porridge" cure spleen deficiency in children

Practice: 50 grams of millet, yam 12 grams, 6 grams of lotus seeds, chicken 6 grams of gold, sugar amount. The yam, lotus seeds, and chicken inner gold were jointly researched and used to make porridge together with millet, which has the effect of invigorating the spleen and eliminating food.

Anal Swab

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