The cultivation of very early lentils

Lentils, also known as eyebrow beans, Emei beans. There are farm varieties all over the country, but late harvest, very early varieties can be listed about 100 days earlier. The lentils protein and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals and various vitamins are also rich in content, crisp and delicious, and comprehensive nutrition.

First, sowing

1. Sowing time: Hyacinth seeds germinate poorly below 15°C, germination stops below 10°C, and the optimum germination temperature is 20°C~25°C. The optimum temperature for the growth and growth of lentils is between 20°C and 37°C. When the lentil grows above 40°C, the growth of the lentils is worse and the number of falling flowers increases. Guangdong can be planted all year round (the temperature is lower than 15 °C when filming seedlings), after transplanting to the beginning of about 50 days, can be harvested for 6 months.

2. Seeding method: prepare seedbed soil (nutrition soil) before sowing, mix and level the farmer fertilizer and vegetable garden soil 4:6. The seedbed must be high ridge to sunny, keep the bed soil moist when planting, bed soil to close by hand, spread to open degrees. Users around the country can use nursery seedlings or seedlings for nutrition according to their own conditions. When the temperature reaches the germination and growth temperature, it can also be broadcast live, with 2 to 3 capsules per hole, and 1 strong seedling is reserved when the seedlings are set. No matter which way seedlings are used, the seeds should not be soaked and the seeds must be sowed.

Second, transplanting

The use of nutritious seedlings or nursery seedlings, timely transplanting when the seedlings 3 to 4 true leaves. Before transplanting, the soil should be ploughed, enough base fertilizer should be applied, and 3,000 kg of farmyard manure should be applied per mu, plus 100 kg of compound fertilizer or cake fertilizer. After deeply applied, the soil should be leveled and transplanted. For varieties with strong growth potential and branching force, base fertilizer can be appropriately reduced according to the original fertility of the soil.

Very early maturing varieties generally have about 1000 planted acres, or 100 cm and 60 cm planted at the row spacing, and 1 plant per hole. If you want to increase the previous production, the density can be increased appropriately.

Third, field management

1. Stretching and topping: When the main vine grows to about 30 centimeters, it should be scaffolded and introduced. In the same way as cowpea, it is generally used as a "person" frame, with a height of about 2.5 meters. It is appropriate to add a few horizontal frame materials in the middle of the frame to facilitate creeping. When the main vine grows to about 0.5 to 1 meter, the main vine is topping in time to promote sprouting. When the side vines grow to about 1 meter, the side vines are picked again.

2. Fertilizer and Water Management: After the transplanting, the diluted manure urine and urine should be promptly used to raise seedlings. As lentils continue to bloom and scab, it is necessary to strengthen the supply of fertilizer and water after flowering and scabbing. It is better to pick a batch of lysiphon once. Do not injure flower spikes when picking, because flower spikes can re-flower and scab, opening "turning flowers." In case of long-term high temperature and drought, it is necessary to carry out drought resistance and spray foliar fertilizer in time in order to facilitate flower protection and conservation.

IV. Pest Control

The main diseases of lentils are anthracnose and downy mildew. The humidity during cultivation is high and the temperature is low. The diseases are easily caused. The above diseases can be controlled by 50% thiophanate-methyl and 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder. The aphids that occurred in the seedling stage were treated with 2.5% enemy-killed 2000 times liquids and had good effects; the flowering and fruiting stages were mainly caused by the soybean meal and could be mixed and controlled with Suppository EC and 20% killing 3000 times. 20% chrysanthemum 3000 times solution and other agents to control aphids are used interchangeably. Soybean pests need to be controlled early, and once the flower buds are not opened during the initial flowering period, they should be sprayed once. After that, they should be observed and sprayed in time.

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