Short-spike fishtail coconut wine

Scientific name: Caryotamitisloureiro

Alias: Wine Coconut

Family: Palmaceae

Morphological characteristics:

The short-headed sunflower is a clustered small tree with a plant height of 5-8 meters and potted plants with a height of 1-3 meters.

In the base of the stem, more plants are planted, forming clusters; there are rhizomes, stem bamboo, often dormant buds on the ring-shaped leaf marks, and brown fleshy air roots near the ground. After the lower part of the stem was gray off. The leaf is a large, two-pinnate, compound leaf. The leaflet resembles a fishtail, hence the name Kutulina.

The sheath is short, 50-70cm long, and the lower part is thickened by cotton hairy scales. The panicle inflorescences are branched, dense and short, about 60cm long, the main stalk bent, the spikelets only 30 to 40cm long, and the spathes can reach 11 pieces. Berry spherical, ripe blue-black, 1 seed.

The lobular leather is thick, with dark green leaves and leaf-back veins fan-shaped. The fruit is shaped like a bean.


Pleurotus eryngii is native to tropical Asia.

In the place of production is a positive tree species, hi warm, but has a strong cold resistance, its cold resistance than the scattered Tiaokui strong, is one of the more cold-resistant palmaceae tropical plants.

Growth habits:

Hi warm and airy environment, hi light half shade. The optimum growth temperature is 15 to 25°C.

Hi grows in well-drained and fertile soil. To reduce the amount of water in the winter, and maintain a temperature above 5 °C.

The root system of P. ostreatus is shallow and it is not tolerant to drought. In the spring and summer, students should make full use of water to supply water and keep the potted soil wet, and spray water regularly to increase the air humidity. Apply fertilizer once a month. short

The stem of the spike fishtail should not be exposed to the sun, and it should be shaded properly from May to September.

Breeding and breeding:

When sowing is used for seed propagation, seed sowing should be accompanied by sowing. Potted plants are increased in 4 to 5 years, and when they are too crowded, ramets can be combined with the douche.


The short-headed sunflower is a clustered growth of plants, full-filled and richly tree-shaped, strangely-shaped leaves, and dark green leaves. It is one of the main tree species for indoor decoration.

It is often planted in small and medium pots and placed in lobbies, foyers, meeting rooms and other places.

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