Clivia hybrid breeding

The selection of cross-bred parents represents the present traits of the hybrids of Clivia, because of the pros and cons of the parents and the mother-parent parents. Only parents who are well-selected are able to produce superior hybrids. Therefore, the basic principles that should be mastered in selecting a cross-breeding parent are varieties with good comprehensive traits, distant genetic relationships, short phylogenetic history, high genetic plasticity, and flowering period. Pollen collection and treatment Selection The vigorous and disease-free male parent removes the mature anthers in the morning when the dew is dry, and brushes the pollen on the kraft paper with a brush and collects them in the glassware. Pollen is best used on the day of collection, keeping it fresh and increasing fertility. If the male flowered first and the mother flowered late, the anther can be placed in a bottle containing a desiccant and stored in a refrigerator at 0°C to 4°C, which can maintain the vitality for 7 to 15 days. The male flower of the emasculation mother plant was opened and the stamens in the florets were all cut off before the anther was immature. Immediately after the transparent paper bag is put in place to prevent natural pollination. The pollination of pollination Clivia hybrids is best performed when the maternal stigma matures and releases mucus. It is normally pollinated from 9 to 10 o'clock in the morning on sunny days. Afternoon light is strong, the temperature is high, the mucus on the stigma is reduced, the ability to receive pollen is weak, the chance of fertilization is reduced, and the effect of hybridization is affected. When pollinating, the bag is opened and lightly applied to the head of the female stigma. A small amount of hybrid plants can be rubbed directly on the stigma by pinching the anther. According to the parental floret opening time, two to three consecutive pollinations can be performed within 2 to 3 days after the stigma has matured, increasing the probability of pollination and fertilization. List and label the pollen after pollination, and indicate the parent and mother's name, pollination date and times, in order to record the kinship of the offspring. The pollinated ovary began to develop significantly after 10 days of flowering. The ovary that failed to pollinate was gradually shrunken after shedding. Generally, 7 to 9 months after pollination, the fruit grows to the size of garlic, and the epidermis turns into white-green, which can be harvested. Cut the ear and put it in a well-ventilated and light-transmitting place. After 15 days of ripening, you can remove the seeds for sowing. The seedlings were sowed according to the hybrid combinations and compared with the parent and female seeds in order to select new and better varieties.


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