Grape Scissors Notes

1 wipe buds. In early summer, all buds and buds sprouting next to the main grape bud are erased in time.
2 thin branches. After the new branch erupts, it should be removed in time according to the strength of the growth and the order of the inflorescence.
3 hit sub shoots. Except leaving a top tip and one to two leaves, the rest are knocked out.
4 topping. Five to six days before flowering of the grapes, 6 to 8 leaves were picked up on the inflorescences of the resulting shoots for topping.
5 Shuguo and inflorescence tip. More than 10 cm of the results of the branches, leaving 2 inflorescences per branch, can generally leave an inflorescence.
6 tied new shoots. When the new shoot grows to 30 cm to 40 cm, it is tied to the frame and the cloth is evenly distributed to prevent the wind from breaking. As new shoots continue to grow, they need to be tied 3 to 4 times.
7 to tendrils. The tendrils of the grapes consume large amounts of nutrients, and tendrils should be removed in time for the entire growing season of the grapes to reduce nutrient consumption.

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