The use of polysaccharides in Hericium erinaceus

In the field of life science research, glycobiology has been the foreword and focus of research in this field.

The development of modern medicine, cell biology and molecular biology has made people realize that the disorder of the immune system will not only produce a variety of diseases, but also with the aging of the human body and the frequent occurrence of the elderly such as cancer, hypertension, diabetes and even the occurrence of psychosis. There is a close relationship.

Since the 1980s, scientists have developed a keen interest in the study of plant polysaccharides, especially polysaccharides in traditional Chinese medicines. Up to now, more than 100 species have been reported to be immunomodulatory, anti-tumor, anti-viral, anti-infective, and hypoglycemic. Physiologically active herbal polysaccharides, some of which have been used clinically for the adjuvant treatment and rehabilitation of tumors, hepatitis, cardiovascular diseases, etc., among which the most important pharmacological effects are to promote immune promotion.

A large number of existing pharmacological and clinical applications have shown that these functionally definitive polysaccharides are mostly replenishing traditional Chinese medicines. Recent pharmacological studies and clinical applications have shown that it has a significant immune enhancement.

The active ingredients are polysaccharides or glycoconjugates, including glycopeptides, proteoglycans and the like.

Different glycopeptides have different immunoreactivity manifestations. Some of them show strong cellular immune functions, some have strong humoral immunity, and some have significant anti-lipid peroxidation and inhibit the oxidation of LDL. . The structural analysis of these glycopeptides shows that their common feature is high polysaccharide content, and some can be as high as 90%. The structure of polysaccharides has its common character, that is, Ara is the end, but each has its own personality, and some of the main chain is Β1→6 linkage, some β1→4 linkage, and some also bind pigment. The results of pharmacological studies also showed that not only the whole molecules of these glycopeptide compounds are immunologically active, but also the polysaccharide chains in the molecules are also immunoactive, and some are even more powerful than the whole molecules.

Anticancer drugs Polysaccharides are used as antitumor drugs because people are not satisfied with current cancer chemotherapy drugs. Although chemists synthesize numerous compounds that have a rather strong killing effect on cancer cells, they also damage normal cells while killing cancer cells, and they have many clinical side effects, especially chemotherapy drugs that damage the patient's immune system. Therefore, polysaccharide immunomodulators are very attractive for the treatment of tumors, especially it can be combined with some anti-cancer drugs such as 5-FU, cyclophosphamide, etc., can restore the immune function caused by chemotherapy, and enhance Anti-tumor effect.

Over the past decade, chemists have obtained a variety of polysaccharide compounds from replenishing traditional Chinese medicines such as Fuzheng Guben, which not only promotes the body's immune function, but also proves that some polysaccharides do have anti-aging properties. effect.

The development of traditional Chinese medicine immunomodulators will have the following trends: 1 The development of monosaccharides from traditional Chinese medicine to traditional Chinese herbal compound polysaccharides; 2 The development of research from the role of a single immune system to the role of neuroendocrine immune networks; 3 From medicine to food, from treatment to health.

(# Sugar is the main product of plant photosynthesis, accounting for 50%-80% of the plant body, and is an important material and supporting substance for plant cells and tissues. The sugars contained in traditional Chinese medicines include monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and Polysaccharides Polysaccharides Abbreviation Polysaccharides are polysaccharides that are formed by the linking of ten or more monosaccharide groups through a triple bond, generally consisting of several hundred or even several thousand monosaccharides. Monosaccharides, no sweetness, and reduction, etc. In recent years, domestic and foreign pharmaceutical workers have experimented with polysaccharides and have proved that polysaccharides have unique biological activities in tumors, hepatitis, cardiovascular diseases, glucose metabolism, and delaying aging. At the same time, it has extremely low toxicity and no direct cytotoxicity, and it also proves that polysaccharides have an immune promoting effect on the specific and non-specific immune functions of the body, and it is a kind of immune enhancing agent that can improve the immune function of the body and enhance the resistance of the body. This has a significant anti-aging effect.)

One of the efficacy of Hericium erinaceus polysaccharides is to dilute gastric acid, protect ulcers, promote mucosal regeneration, and repair gastrointestinal ulcers; secondly, to improve gastrointestinal blood circulation and promote food absorption; third is to improve gastrointestinal motility. Accelerate the speed of intestinal emptying; Fourth, anti-digestive tumors have clinically been used as adjunctive therapy for gastric cancer, esophageal cancer, cardia cancer, and colon cancer; Fifth, others: overall improvement of body immunity, anti-fatigue, anti-oxidation, and anti-resistance Mutation, hypolipidemic, anti-aging effects.

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