Control technology of cactus scale insects

There are many types of scale insects that are harmful to cacti and succulents, including cactus, whiteflies, long-tailed fly aphids, and oleanders (also known as ivy vines). The most common species is cactus, which can harm dozens of genera such as cacti, genus, genus, genus, and genus. The cactus pods reproduce quickly and can occur for several generations in 1 year. It absorbs the plant juice and causes the plant to grow rapidly and debilitated. In severe cases, the plant withered and the stem segments fell off. Even if the insects are scraped off, the unsightly yellow-white remains in the damaged parts, which affects the viewing. The whiteflies infested cacti, asteraceae, sedum, and purslane. The oleander oysters mainly damage the succulent plants of the agave family. When the plants are killed, the growth is seriously affected. Excretions such as whiteflies also induce sooty, affecting growth and viewing. There is a class of scale insects called root mealworms that specifically harm the roots of plants. It is generally not easy to find that the epidermis, which is bright and shiny after the victim's damage, suddenly loses its luster, showing an abnormal dark gray color. If no measures are taken, it may lead to plant death.
Since scale insects have a waxy shell, insecticides are difficult to penetrate into the body, and drug control often fails to achieve the desired effect. Therefore, prevention should be emphasized. Greenhouses and other cultivation sites should be kept clean to remove weeds and dead leaves in time. Do not overtighten pots and pay attention to ventilation. If scale insects are found in the trees around the greenhouse, timely spraying or repairing of diseased branches with insects should be done to avoid spreading into the greenhouse. The introduced plants must be carefully inspected, especially in the valleys, gingival sulcus, dorsal leaves and the overlap between the two leaves. These parts are most likely to hide the scale insects, should be sprayed after spraying and isolated for a period of time. Observe the plant more than usual, and find that there are a small amount of scale insects that can be scraped off in time with the bamboo pieces. Generally, after the insect body is scraped off, it cannot be parasited. It is also possible to cut more than one branch of the insect and burn it. The drug must prevent the insects from being attacked by the waxy shell soon after hatching, and it must be repeatedly sprayed to kill. The drugs used are usually 1000 times of 50% of malathion, 800 times of 25% of imidophos EC, 40% of omethoate EC and 80% of dichlorvos EC added 1000 times of water. To prevent and treat root aphid, observation should be strengthened. When the plant epidermal color was found to be dull, the plants could be checked for decontamination. After removing the potted soil, white cotton-like exudates resembling whiteflies were found on the roots, indicating that a root cause was caused by whiteflies. Soft soapy water or dimethoate could be used (40%). Emulsion 2000-4000 times) Wash the roots, dry them and change them again. In addition, a small amount of crystallization of p-dichlorobenzene at the bottom of the pelvic floor tiles has a certain preventive effect.

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