About cherry radish cultivation method

Cherry radish plant height 20 ~ 25 cm, fleshy root round, diameter 2 ~ 3 cm, root bark red, meat white, single root weight 15 ~ 20 grams, the quality of delicate, refreshing and delicious. Can be eaten raw, salad, but also with vegetables, fried food and pickled, welcomed by consumers.
In the cultivation season, it can be cultivated in open field as well as protected cultivation. The open field cultivation can be in spring and autumn, and the spring season begins in mid-March to early May and fall in the early August to late September. Protected cultivation time is from early October to early March.
Soil fertilization cherry radish has strong adaptability to the soil, but it is the best sandy loam with fertile fertility, good drainage, and water and fertilizer retention. Land preparation requires deep plowing, soil drying, smoothing, fine hoeing, and even mixing of fertilizer and soil. It is generally cultivated in small flat ridges and is 1 meter wide. Due to the short growth period, the fleshy roots are small, and the type and quantity of fertilizers are not strictly required. Basal fertilizers should be used as the basis, and it is generally not necessary to apply fertilizer. A sufficient amount of 4000 kg per acre was used as base fertilizer and 5-8 kg of superphosphate was used as seed fertilizer.
The sowing method is generally drilled, with a spacing of 3 cm and a spacing of 10 cm. The seed amount per mu is 100 g. Immersion seed germination can also be broadcast live.
Seedling Dingmiao cherry radish planting too dense, lack of light, will cause petiole lengthened, pale leaves, the lower leaves yellow off, fleshy root is not easy to expand. Should be in the cotyledon development time seedlings, there are 3 to 4 true leaves when Dingmiao.
Water and fertilizer regulation should pay special attention to keep the soil moist and watering should be balanced. The soil moisture content should be 70% to 80% of the field water capacity. If the seedlings grow poorly and there are symptoms of fertilizer deficiency, a small amount of available nitrogen fertilizer may be applied with water.
The cultivating and weeding cherry radish plants are small, and timely cultivating and weeding are required to eliminate the weeds' competition for nutrients, and to promote the absorption of nutrients by the radish root system. Especially in the autumn, when it comes to high temperature and rainy season, weeds grow vigorously, and we should strengthen weeding and weeding.
Disease prevention and pest prevention cherry radish has strong cold resistance, but it is not heat-resistant. When the ambient temperature exceeds 25°C, the growth is poor and pests and diseases occur at the same time. There are mainly virus diseases and aphids. Attention should be paid to prevention and control.
Appropriate harvesting growth period is generally about 30 days, different cultivation seasons and different specific harvesting time under cultivation methods. It can be excavated when the fleshy root is bright and beautiful and the diameter is 2 cm.

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