What is the bad effect of urea? How to improve urea utilization rate

When June is a large amount of fertilization in the field, can the urea be absorbed after a few days of fertilization? What are the factors that affect the absorption of urea? Urea is a molecular nitrogen fertilizer, the crop cannot be directly absorbed in large quantities, and must be applied to the soil. Under the action of urease secreted by soil microbes, it is converted into ammonium carbonate (also known as ammonium nitrogen fertilizer), and the crop can be absorbed and utilized in large quantities.

The rate of urea conversion depends mainly on the amount and activity of urease, which in turn is affected by many factors as follows:

First, the pH of the soil. The conversion rate of urea in neutral soil is significantly higher than that in acidic or alkaline soil; neutral environment is more suitable for microbial activity.

Second, the fertility of the soil. Since the urease content in fertile soil is higher than that of poor soil, the conversion rate of urea in fertile soil is fast.

Third, the soil temperature. The soil temperature has a significant effect on the urea conversion rate. According to the data, when the soil temperature is 10 °C, the total conversion of urea takes 7-10 days; at 20 °C, it takes 4-5 days; if the soil temperature reaches 30 °C, it only takes 2 days to convert.

Fourth, soil moisture. The urease hydrolysis of clay soil with more soil moisture is strong. According to the study, at 25-30 ° C, when the soil moisture is 70%, the ammoniation peak occurs after applying urea for one day, and 28% of the urea-converted ammonium nitrogen is absorbed by the crop; otherwise, when the soil moisture is insufficient, the urea is low. Conversion is slow.

In short, according to the characteristics of urea that needs to be converted after being applied to the soil, in order to better exert the fertilizer efficiency, it should be applied 3-6 days in advance according to specific conditions, so that it can be converted into ammonium nitrogen for crop absorption and utilization in time.

Urea contains 46% nitrogen, which is the most commonly used high-quality nitrogen fertilizer in production. However, the utilization rate of urea after being applied to the soil is usually only 45%-50%.

In addition to early urea application, the following two methods combine to achieve higher fertilizer utilization:

1. Deep application of urea. Whether it is used as a base fertilizer or as a top dressing, it should be applied in depth, and the depth of fertilization is 10-12 cm. The deep application of urea can significantly improve the utilization rate. According to the test, the urea is applied or applied 2-3 cm in shallow application, the utilization rate is only 30%; the application depth is 5 cm, the utilization rate is 45%; the deep application is 10-20 cm, and the utilization rate is up to 65%.

2. Mix urea. Urea combined with organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and trace element fertilizer can maintain soil nutrient balance, maximize nutrient utilization and increase fertilizer production. (Source: Urea)

This article URL: How is the use of urea bad? How to improve urea utilization rate

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