Special measures for the production of vegetables in the off-season

In order to do a good job in the production of vegetables in the fall season, special measures must be taken in specific ways. The specific requirements are as follows: l. Cultivation of ridge cultivation or sorghum cultivation: Cultivation of ridge cultivation or sorghum must be adopted. The ridge cultivation should be carried out using a large ridge and double row method, so that it is beneficial to rain drainage, and when the drought waters, it cannot collect water. The sorghum planted sorghum should be about 10 cm above the ground. 2. Agitated garden: In summer, it must be done in a timely manner after the hot rain. Only in this way can the hot rainwater in the clay be replaced and the ground temperature reduced to facilitate the normal metabolism of the plant roots. 3. Watering in drought time: Drought needs watering, but it must be watered in the afternoon or in the evening, and it can be poured with a small amount of water, which has a cooling effect. However, watering should be prevented at high temperatures to prevent wilting of plants. On the other hand, it is best not to water when it is cloudy. 4, timely drainage and flood control: the whole growth period needs to keep the soil moist vegetables, usually with a small amount of water often poured, such as green peppers to be poured water (commonly known as stealing water), but it must not be stagnant, timely drainage after rain . 5, can not loosen: During the summer food field is generally not loose soil, not to plow, so as to avoid too much soil moisture. 6. Adjust the density of seedlings appropriately: During the summer, sow vegetables must be sowed. For leafy vegetables, dilute seedlings should be set appropriately, and they must be planted on ridge backs or sorghums to prevent the plants from getting too close to surface leaf rot; The fruits and vegetables should be sparsely planted. Because during the over-summer period, the old leaves of the lower part have been lightened, and the upper branches and leaves have grown vigorously, which can protect the fruits from being burned by the strong sunlight. This is also conducive to surface ventilation and lowering of the ground temperature, and can also reduce weed growth. 7, the use of herbicides in science: To prevent overgrown weeds in over-summer fields, selective herbicides can be selected. Generally, herbicides can be sprayed on the soil before or after seeding; when the seedlings are excavated, the herbicides are exterminated. Weeds should be sprayed in a directional manner (weeds are sprayed only with herbicides), weeds can be used to kill monocotyledonous weeds, and weeds must be used to kill dicotyledonous weeds. We must also master the usage and dosage, and we must appropriately increase the sowing of vegetables. (or planting) density to prevent killing when spraying herbicides. 8, deduction shade net or insect net: In order to reduce the high temperature and strong light during the summer and the damage caused by heavy rain, should be deducted shading net, if it is also for the prevention of locust damage should be deducted silver gray shade net; If you want to prevent a variety of pests, should be in the shed In indoor production, the soil and the shed are first insecticide-treated, and then all the doors, windows, and ventilation holes are sealed with insect-proof nets or curtains of insect-proof nets. When you hang the black shade net, you must pay attention to the light requirements of the crop. Generally, the gray shade net can meet the need of light. 9. Plant renewal: Some fruit and vegetable vegetables are pruned during the summer to make the plants renewed, so that the peak of the results can appear again after summer, such as eggplant and green pepper. (1) Pruning technology for eggplant regeneration. Pruning time is generally performed in July before the high temperature. The method of pruning is to cut the growing point (tick) several times in the eggplant plant two months before pruning to promote lateral branch and lateral bud growth. Pruning starts after half a month, that is, in the second section of the fruit branch of the four sided bucket of the plant. Cut off, cut and cut out with a black plastic film to cut the mouth, and then in the afternoon when the sun is weak, watering dressing, Mushi urea 15 kg, to facilitate the promotion of collateral lateral bud growth. When flowering, 40 micrograms/gram of anti-dropping agent can be sprayed to protect the fruit. After the above treatment, flower buds can appear after two months, and small fruits appear one month later. Harvesting can be carried out in about 10 days, and the second harvest period can be achieved. (2) green pepper pruning regeneration technology. In the July-August months, the green pepper plants were repeatedly used to promote the development of lateral branches and lateral buds. After half a month, they were cut off at the front of the plant, and the cuts were sealed with a black plastic film, and then in the afternoon. Topdressing watering, applying 15 kg of urea per acre, which is conducive to the growth of lateral buds; when the buds of the cut plants appear, choose the cloudy days or sunny afternoon afternoon with the buds of buds, and after one month, the second pods will be harvested. 10. Promotion of vegetable grafting technology: For fruit and vegetable vegetables with a long growing period, most of them are spring sowing, which can grow in summer and fall in love. By grafting, the resistance of the plant can be enhanced, the vitality of the plant is prosperous, and not only the growth period and the harvest period are prolonged, but also the quality and yield can be improved.

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