Fruits lose weight away from myths

Fruits lose weight away from myths As the darling of today's slimming, its nutritional value is recognized, but fruit is not Gabriel. Improper eating can also have a negative impact on the body.

1. Does eating grapefruit help burn fat?

Folk grapefruit contains special ingredients that help burn fat. In fact, this is unfounded. Some people lose their weight after eating grapefruit, but only because they use grapefruit instead of other calorie-rich foods and replace them with other fruits. The calories of grapefruit are not low in the fruit. A grapefruit equals half a bowl of rice. Eating only grapefruit can also lead to malnutrition.

2. All fruits are low in fat and are slimming products?

Three kinds of fruit such as avocado, coconut and durian are actually the main rivals of weight loss. Compared with 60 calories per 100 grams of apples, the same weight of avocado contains 180 calories, coconut contains 354 calories, and durian has 459 calories. Among them, coconuts contain more saturated fats. Excessive intake of food will increase cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

3. Fruit juice is easier to fat than fresh fruit?

Many busy people drink fruit juice instead of fruit, but in addition to containing less fiber, calories are 16% to 119% more calories than fresh fruit, and sugar content is 9% to 103%. Because sugar will be squeezed out of the pulp during the juicing process and become more easily absorbed. Therefore, the fruit juice should be selected without additional sugar, preferably with flesh, and drink no more than a large glass daily.

4. Light eat fruit to lose weight?

Some staple foods such as rice, meat, and eggs contain relatively rich vitamin B and other nutrients, so staple foods contain nutrients that the human body needs every day. Without eating rice, meat, and milk eggs, they cannot take in enough vitamin B. There is no vitamin B. The human body cannot metabolize calories smoothly, resulting in fat accumulation. Therefore, the ideal weight should be based on a balanced diet, and should not only rely on pure fruits to lose weight.

5. Continue to eat "Apple meal" to lose weight?

Apple is a low-calorie, high-nutrition fruit. Because of this, many people use apples to make diet meals. You know, apples are much lower in calories than normal meals, and they will certainly lose weight. However, over time, unbalanced nutrition will cause the body to overdo it, and once it stops, the body weight will slowly rise.

6. Can you lose weight quickly by eating banana honey?

Bananas are rich in dietary fiber and can stimulate gastrointestinal motility and help with diarrhea. If you do not eat anything, only eat bananas and honey, the heat is much lower than the dinner, naturally will lose weight. However, with such rapid weight loss, the body often reacts badly because it is not properly adjusted. If you eat bananas for a long time and your body lacks various nutrients such as protein and minerals, your body will slowly issue a dangerous alert.

7. Pineapple enzymes can beauty beauty, but also help digestion?

Pineapple rich in vitamin B1, can promote metabolism, eliminate fatigue, rich dietary fiber, so that digestion is more smooth. If you like to eat pineapple, you can eat some after the meal. Don't eat it when the stomach bag is empty, otherwise it will be easily damaged by enzymes.

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