Elisa White Gourd Planting Technology

Elizabeth melon is favored by the market for its delicious fragrance and sweet taste. One mu of Elisabeth melon can produce more than 4,000 kilograms of melons per mu and a net profit of about 10,000 yuan. Elizabeth melon is planted in spring in the early spring in the plastic greenhouse cultivation mode. The main planting techniques are as follows: 1. Soil preparation and cultivation 1. Site preparation. In the nursery place, make a flat 1 inch wide and 17 cm deep. 2? configuration nutrition soil. Use 50% of good soil, 40% of decomposing pupa horse manure, 10% of fine manure to mix evenly, crushed and sieved to form nutrient soil. The nutritious soil is well packed in a paper cylinder with a diameter of 8 cm and a height of 10 cm, which is pasted with newspapers, and then placed one by one in a well-made bowl. 3? Seed treatment. Seeds are selected from hybrid generation of Elisabeth Papaya. First, the seeds are sunned for 2 days in the sun, then immersed for 1 to 5 hours with 40% formaldehyde 150 times solution, rinsed out with cold water and used at 55°C. Soak in warm water and stir continuously. When the water temperature drops to 30°C, remove the seeds and soak seeds for 5 hours. When the seed sucks enough water, remove the seeds and wrap them in a wet cloth. Hold the seeds at about 25°C for about 40 hours. When it grows to 3-5mm, it can be sown. 4? sowing time and method. The sowing time is about February 22, soak enough water before planting. When the water in the paper tube is infiltrated, put 1-2 seeds per paper tube and cover it with a uniform thickness of 1 to 5 cm. earth. 5? buckle small arch. After sowing, use amorpha or other tree branches to form an arch, then cover with a plastic film to facilitate warming and moisturizing. 6?bed management. After seeding, the seedbed is maintained at about 30°C during the day and about 25°C at night. When 2-3 true leaves are poured, the seedlings will be placed in the northern part of the clams and the big seedlings will be placed in the south of the clams. During the nursery period, keep the nutritious soil moist, such as when the nutrient soil is dried, spray water in a timely manner, and spray water twice at the seedling stage. During the growing season, weeds must be removed at any time. In the later days when the temperature is too high during the day, membrane ventilation should be removed from both ends of the arch. When the seedling age is 40 days, the leaves can be transplanted when the leaves reach 5-6 pieces. Second, transplanting planting 1? Transplanting time. Transplanting is generally performed at the end of March. 2? Transplanting method. In the shed on the shed, dig a 13 to 5 centimeter deep pit every 23 to 5 centimeters, water, etc., and infiltrate the melon seedlings in a small hole in the pit to level with the ground. The average per mu can be planted. 2200 strains. 3? Colonization. After transplanting, a small shed was added to the shed to facilitate warming and keeping the seedlings fast. After 7 days of easing, the small arch shed was removed and the humidity in the shed was maintained at 25-30°C. Covering small plastic sheds with plastic mulches over greenhouses is a key measure for high yields. Third, greenhouse management 1? Watering and top dressing. Elizabeth melon was poured with 2 waters during the growing period to recover the fat. Pour water once during colonization and water once during the expansion period and combine topdressing. Mu topdressing 15 kg of urea. Spray foliar fertilizer once every 7 days after sitting on melon. 2? Pruning management. When the main vine leaves 6-7 leaves, the vines and hanging vines are started. The sub-vines at all levels below the 12th section are removed, leaving 2 pods in the 12th to 15th quarters. When pollinating, use a strong melon seedling to cover the fruit and leave a melon for each seed vine. After leaving the melons, leave 2-3 leaves in front of the melon, and the cranberry is topping the heart. This is the bottom melon. The main vine leaves two layers of melons. When the main vine grows to 25 leaves, pick the top of the heart and leave 3-4 vines from the upper part. The rest of the vines are destroyed. In each of the upper 3-4 vines, there is a melon. After the melon vines are still in the vine, they remain. 2-3 leaves, the remaining sub-vines are also destroyed. This generally yields 1-25 kg per plant. 3? Pest control. In the pre-planting greenhouse, smoked once with chlorothalonil, one chlorothalonil every 4 meters, and 6 o'clock in the afternoon, and open the wind the next morning. Fourth, it takes 30 days for flowering and fruit ripening. Generally, it is marketed at the beginning of June. The standard of maturation is: The fruit surface is golden yellow, and the bottom of the fruit begins to have a ring-shaped crack. Precociously picking fruits is poorly colored, sugar is low, and the fruit is bitter. Over-ripened melons should not be stored or transported. In the middle of June, the top melons were basically picked.

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