Strawberry simple storage method

The storage of strawberries should be about eight mature, that is, the bright sunny side of the fruit, when the shady face reddish, choose the morning, morning or evening when the weather is cooler when the picking. No watering before harvesting. When harvesting, gently lift the handle with your hand and cut off at 0.5 cm from the fruit. Do not touch the berries with your fingers. Harvesting containers use plastic boxes or baskets with a layer of soft material inside, and they are sorted and packaged at the same time. Remove pests and fruits and put the good fruit in a plastic box that is 90 centimeters long, 60 centimeters wide, and 15 centimeters high. Stack the thickness by 9 to 12 centimeters to minimize the number of turnovers. The fruit layer inside the box should not be too thick. After installation, it should be placed in a cool, ventilated place for heat dissipation. 1, altar tank storage. The freshly-picked strawberries are gently put into containers such as jars, sealed with a plastic film, placed in a cool, ventilated, empty room, or buried in a dry place on the back of the house. This method can be stored for about 10 days. 2, refrigerated. Choose a medium-sized, bright color red, light skin, tender meat, no hollow, fruit shape intact strawberry, packed in plastic food boxes or other non-rigid containers, 500 grams per box. Stored in a refrigerator with a temperature of -0.5 to 1°C and a relative humidity of 85% to 90%. This method can be stored for 7 to 10 days. 3, frozen frozen. Choosing suitable varieties such as quick-frozen Chunxiang and Baozao Zaoxian, the menu has a fruit weight of 7 to 12 grams and eight mature fruits with a horizontal diameter of not less than 2 cm. The same day, it is harvested and processed for quick freezing. 5 °C in the cold room. For long-distance transportation, refrigerated trucks are required. Before the quick-freezing treatment, the strawberry was placed in running water, stirred with a round bar, and washed with a 0.05% potassium permanganate solution for 4-5 minutes, and then rinsed with water to remove the bristles, sepals and After calyx, filter and remove excess water for 10 minutes. Place the strawberries in metal plates 38 x 30 x 8 cm long, wide and high, put 5 kilograms per plate, and add 100-150 grams of water. It is required that the frozen products should be placed flat and firm, and the frozen product should not be firm, leaving a slight gap. Add 20% to 25% of the weight of strawberry to add white sugar, 25% of the varieties with heavy sourness are added with sugar. Stir well and immediately freeze in the freezer at a temperature of -28°C until the fruit temperature reaches -15°C. The quick-frozen strawberries were brought into a plastic bag at a 0 to 5°C cooling room, sealed, placed in a cardboard box, and stored below -18°C. Frozen fruit should be thawed before eating. The method is to put the frozen product into the container, place the container in warm water, and immediately eat it after thawing. This method can be stored for 18 months. 4. Atmosphere storage. Put the fresh fruit in a container with a thickness of no more than 15 cm. Place the container filled with strawberries layer by layer, cover with a polyethylene plastic film bag 0.2 mm thick, and seal it with silicone windows. Shelf storage in a hangar or natural ventilation warehouse. At night, all air holes and windows and doors were opened for ventilation. The temperature was maintained at 0 to 1°C, the humidity was 85% to 95%, and the oxygen and carbon dioxide contents were 3% and 3% to 6%, respectively. Check the bag opening every 10 days or so, and immediately seal without deterioration. 5, store ridge storage. For fresh berries on the market, 250-500 grams of fruit in clear plastic boxes should be used. Place them neatly in a certain order, size, and direction. Do not overfill them. Leave a gap of 1 cm at the top and cap the fruit. The transparent plastic box is then put into a larger plastic box or carton, placed under a pergola or stored in a storage room, and then weighed and prepared for transport. Each box of strawberries weighs no more than 5 kilograms and is best transported by refrigerated trucks or covered trucks.

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