Double cone rotary vacuum dryer

Common problems in the application of double cone rotary vacuum dryer

Common problems in the application of double cone rotary vacuum dryer

1 , the amount of charge exceeds its theoretical amount

Since the loading amount of the equipment is related to the bulk density of the material (refers to the material quality per unit volume), in general, the specific gravity of the material at the time of design is calculated as 0.6鐾/cm3 . If this proportion is exceeded , the actual theoretical amount will be charged in the actual flash-drying production, which will affect the drying efficiency of the material; second, the long-term operation will lead to the life of the motor, reducer and sprocket chain. Lower until you are unable to use it. In addition , some manufacturers in order to pursue the output and blind operation of the workers , regardless of the filling rate (the actual loading volume and the dry and simple volume of the freeze dryer ratio), resulting in the equipment operation and product quality problems of the double cone rotary vacuum dryer . And the filling rate is usually between 30% and 50% .

2 , " empty " phenomenon

Once used improperly, such as vacuum tube bending, seal sleeve damage, filter head deformation vacuum dryer or even breakage during the drying process, this is because the outside air (referred to as venting) enters the tank backflush during the drying process. The filter head, when the tank body has reached a high degree of vacuum, will cause a strong impact of positive and negative airflow and damage the vacuum system. It is worth noting that after the material is dried, it is necessary to vent the tank. When emptying, it is necessary to use the emptying dehumidifying dryer valve to control the flow rate, that is, first open the valve a little, and then slowly increase the vacuum in the tank. Big.

3 , the vacuum is not up to or too high

In the drying process, the vacuum is often insufficient or too high. There are usually three reasons : ( 1 ) vacuum mechanical seal leakage ; ( 2 ) vacuum pipe leakage or blockage ; ( 3 ) filter plug plastic dryer Plug. This requires inspection during use and maintenance, cleaning, etc. It is worth mentioning that the manufacturer should make corresponding maintenance and maintenance clauses according to the different main components in different models when preparing the instructions for use, as far as possible. Such as the filter, how much time needs to be cleaned, how much time to change or in what case of the stone dryer, the usual point of attention when using.

4 , the noise is too large and the entrance , the discharge port leaks

( 1 ) Due to loose feet, damaged worm gear reducer, damaged bearing tube, too loose or too tight for the application of bad links , it is only necessary to check regularly and eliminate faults in time.

( 2 ) The normal leakage of the inlet and outlet ports is due to the damage of the sealing strip . Only the plastic dryer should be replaced.
Series related products are: high efficiency boiling dryer , 耙 vacuum dryer , rotary drum dryer ,



African Horse Sickness

African Swine Fever

Aino Disease


Amblyomma hebraeum

Amblyomma variegatum

American Cattle Tick

See: Boophilus annulatus


Aujeszky`s Disease

Avian Influenza

Avian Mycoplasmosis



See: Cat Scratch Disease


Blue Eye Disease


Boophilus annulatus

Boophilus microplus


Bovine Babesiosis

Bovine Ephemeral Fever

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Bovine Tuberculosis

Brown Ear Tick

See: Rhipicephalus appendiculatus

Brucella abortus

Brucella canis

Brucella melitensis

Brucella ovis

Brucella suis


Brucellosis (Marine Mammals)




Canine Influenza

Caprine Arthritis and Encephalitis

Castor Bean Tick

See: Ixodes ricinus

Cat Scratch Disease

Cattle Fever

See: Bovine Babesiosis

Chagas (Trypanosomiasis-American)

Chlamydiosis (Avian)

Chlamydiosis (Mammalian)


Chronic Wasting Disease

Classical Swine Fever


Coggins Disease

See: Equine Infectious Anemia

Contagious Agalactia

Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia

Contagious Ecthyma

Contagious Equine Metritis


See: Q Fever

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever




See: Taenia





Duck Virus Enteritis

Duck Virus Hepatitis


Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis

Ebola Virus Disease


Egg Drop Syndrome


Enterovirus Encephalomyelitis

Epizootic Hematopoietic Necrosis

Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease

Epizootic Lymphangitis

Epsilon Toxin of Clostridium perfringens

Equine Babesiosis

See: Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Encephalitides

Equine Infectious Anemia

Equine Piroplasmosis

Equine Viral Arteritis

Escherichia coli 0157:H7

Exotic Ticks

See: Ticks (Exotic)


Veterinary Products

Ivermectin Injection,Veterinary Injection,Veterinary Products,Veterinary Tablet


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